Talha Hussain Gulbargavi | طلحہ حسین گلبرگوی Profile picture
Muslim Indian, Dakhni & Gulbargavi. #Journalist, Founder @Deccandigest, Rts≠endorsement. #Engineer #HistoryNerd #freepalestine

Jul 19, 2022, 12 tweets

#भारत_का_ख़िलजी How Alauddin Muhammad Khilji #KhiljiSaviourofIndia Saved Hinduism from Extinction.. a great article from @sabrangindia .. here are some excerpts.

What If Khilji had failed to Stop Mongol Invasions of India... well!! acc to Monish Borah's assessment, that would have meant the destruction of India, plus the Near extinction of Hinduism. #भारत_का_ख़िलजी #KhiljiSaviourofIndia

The threat to Indian civilization and culture during Alauddin Khilji’s reign was unprecedented. Everything from China to Russia, from Turkey to Central Asia was under the control of Mongols, so they had India surrounded from the Northern, Western & Eastern sides. #भारत_का_ख़िलजी

the population numbers before and after the Mongol conquest of China- it shows a 45% drop! A look at the Chinese economy shows that it took them at least 200 years to recover from the devastation caused by the Mongol Conquest of China. #भारत_का_ख़िलजी #KhiljiSaviourofIndia

So, he decided to pay his army in cash & increased it substantially. He paid his cavalrymen 20 tankas per month (same tht Akbar paid his cavalrymen bt since Akbar ruled India more than 250 yrs aftr Alauddin Khilji the difference due to inflation adjustment is quite substantial)

Mongols led two massive attacks against India during Khilji’s time. In 1297 AD, when the invasion force was 200,000 men strong & Second in 1303AD when it was 120,000 strong. Defeating such large Mongol cavalry forces not once but twice is almost unheard of in history.

Both demographically & geographically the Indo-Gangetic plains dominate India. They assumed much more importance during Alauddin Khilji’s reign than now. China was protected due to its geography even thn 45% of its population perished in their unsuccessful fight against Mongols.

Could South Indian Kings like Pandyas etc have stopped thm? Unlikely, bcs they wer all tributaries of Khilji, If they bowed dwn b4 Khilji, What Chance they could have in front of Mongols (aftr they devastated Khiljis). If thy were so Strong, They wdnt be a Tributary in 1st Place

Here is the article, It's articulated and explained better. #भारत_का_ख़िलजी #KhiljiSaviourofIndia

Don't Forget to attend the space tonight
10.30 pm IST
Sultan Alauddin Khilji
Fact vs Fiction Hosted by @tawairkh and will be addressed by Some important Persons doing good work on Indian Muslim History
#Historytalks #भारत_का_ख़िलजी #KhiljiSaviourofIndia

Here is a video for More Info on #SikandareSaani Sultan Muhammad Alauddin #KhiljiSaviourofIndia #भारत_का_ख़िलजी

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