Talha Hussain Gulbargavi | طلحہ حسین گلبرگوی Profile picture
Muslim Indian, Dakhni & Gulbargavi. #Journalist, Founder @Deccandigest, Rts≠endorsement. #Engineer #HistoryNerd #freepalestine

Jul 19, 2022, 11 tweets

#भारत_का_ख़िलजी Sultan Alauddin #KhiljiSaviourofIndia was a man with an out of Box Thinking, he Initiated many Reforms in the administration some are list below..

Price Rise: As India Grapples with Price rise issue, its pertinent to start with this. Sultan Alauddin Khilji was the first and only king perhaps to focus so much attention on the price rise, he ruthlessly implemented a system that control prices in the kingdom.

Public Distribution System (Ration Shops??)

#KhiljiSaviourofIndia #भारत_का_ख़िलजी

Prohibition 700years before Gandhiji and 300 years before Aurangzeb Rh
#KhiljiSaviourofIndia #भारत_का_ख़िलजी

Architectural genius before Shahjahan.

#KhiljiSaviourofIndia #भारत_का_ख़िलजी

Don't Forget to attend the space tonight
10.30 pm IST
Sultan Alauddin Khilji
Fact vs Fiction Hosted by
@tawairkh and will be addressed by Historians &researchers of Indian Muslim History
#Historytalks #भारत_का_ख़िलजी #KhiljiSaviourofIndia

Here is a video for More Info on #SikandareSaani Sultan Muhammad Alauddin #KhiljiSaviourofIndia #भारत_का_ख़िलजी

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