Jubril A. Gawat Profile picture
Senior Special Assistant on New Media to Governor @jidesanwoolu | Active Citizen (Online & Offline).. | LAGOS Blood| Oko Aisha ❤️|

Jul 20, 2022, 8 tweets

The Lagos State Residents Identification (LAG ID) Card Launch is here.

Today July 20th, the launch will be holding simultaneously in 6 different zones across Lagos State with the main event holding at Police college in Ikeja.


@jidesanwoolu @LASRRA_LASG

What do I need to register ???



What is the Lagos State Residency Card ???



What is the importance of the Resident Card ???


Is the LAG ID Registration Necessary ???

YES: If you currently reside in Lagos State, you are required to register. You are also eligible to register if you are newly residing in the State and will be dwelling in the State for 3 months or more.



What is the difference between the National ID Card and Lagos Residents Card (LAG ID) ???

ANS: This Card has a functionality for identity verification and access to unique programmes offered by participating Agencies of Lagos State Government.



I have Domestic Staff, Can they register ???

ANS: They are entitled to register. Evidence of residency to be provided should be in the form of a notarized rent receipt or utility bill of their employer.



How will the LAGID registration be made accessible for people in remote areas.

ANS: LASRRA has mobile agents that will move from one area to another.


@LASRRA_LASG @jidesanwoolu

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