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Professional photography & unprofessional fiction writing…I once ran the “unnofficial blog of the cia” and got shut down. I like my dog more than most humans.

Jul 21, 2022, 16 tweets

Ok, I’ve been shooting the #leocaq2 almost exclusively for several weeks now. And I’m thinking through my thoughts on it. There is a ton I love. Nothing I actively dislike. Here are some thoughts in no particular order. All 12 of you potential readers feel free to ask questions.

1. It’s terribly fun to shoot and so easy and pleasant that I’ve all but quit taking photos with my iPhone. I’m not down to zero with the 📱 but pretty much. The #q2 is light. Solid. Rain ready. & way more active to shoot but with as much auto as you want, if you want.

2. The sensor is fucking great. The colors are wonderful. Even when the view finder isn’t doing justice the files turn out spot on. And require almost no manipulation. And, unlike the iPhone the shades and saturation are way more on point.

3. It’s almost as discrete as an iPhone. It’s aesthetic is simple and only leica shooters care they are shooting a leica, (and why not, they don’t grow on trees) but it’s nice how understated they are so no else thinks it’s fancy. People act like it’s a📱

4. Am I on 4.? I’m drinking beer and it’s been in the 90s. I’m only sort of focused. The camera is fast. It turns on & reacts fast enough to get what you want, even if it’s passing by. The Sony will do this, albeit a little more to handle. The 📱 will but you may suffer disptmt

5.? I just got back from picking up my boy. Distracted to say the least. 5. I won’t get rid of my Sony. There are shots I get with the Sony because of the lenses I have. Those lenses and that camera have taken some of my favorite images. I won’t give that up, but…

But I shoot it a lot less. While I feel ridiculously spoiled to be shooting such an exquisite daily shooter, it’s here and it’s light enough to carry everywhere and easy enough to always take.

19. The lens. It’s wide. And I love wide. You can easily crop. Or not. And the lens is seriously goofy how sharp it is.

There is a great multi-field autofocus on this camera but I find I love the spot focus as it’s incredibly responsive on the touch screen. I even use the touch screen when viewing through the viewfinder.

Can we talk about the shutter a moment? Nah? Ok, but it’s great. A pleasantly understated sound the shooter alone can hear, almost feel, at least in your soul. Leica engineers fucking nailed it.

7 maybe. I’m shooting less film. I don’t know, I might regret this. I’m going to as of right now make sure I shoot the contax a little more. But the fact is, this nearly scratches the same itch.

12. Battery life of the #leicaq2 is good. But damn, that battery is special, at least the cost. Back ups are expensive for someone like me known to be away from outlets for days. And I’ve already proven I can easily kill a battery in one day.

I find I use this camera not only for “proper photos” but also did shit I might normally just snap on my phone. Stuff I just like and don’t plan to share - but with this camera, these shots are better. Partly because I take the moment to shoot a photo instead of just snap and

And partly because it’s a real camera.

Another thing… the Leica app works great. And it’s super easy to transfer shots to your phone. Sony, honestly, put up with your app but only begrudgingly. For a company that sells trillions in electronics/year, your app is a b- at best.

So. Overall for today, my brief, scattered & probably incorrectly ordered review is this: so I “need” this camera to replace my others? No. But will I get rid of this? Absolutely not. And am I shooting this most of the time? Yes. And the more I get to know the better I like it.

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