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Jul 21, 2022, 19 tweets

Our very own @itsmeveronica_v & @AshleyVRobinson are about to enter #hotdsdcc!!


Knights, knaves, bards! All are welcome in Westeros!

#PopverseSays #Sdcc #hotdsdcc

A kind knight befriended @AshleyVRobinson before we entered #hotdsdcc

#PopverseSays #sdcc

Our own @itsmeveronica_v ruling over our #Popversays kingdom!

#hotdsdcc #sdcc

The kingsmarket is in fine spirits!

#Popversays #sdcc #hotdsdcc

It's almost tiiiiiiiime!

#Popversays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

He seems like a person with authority

#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

Should we trust him?

#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

We arr Targaryens. Blessed by fire. Ready to select our eggs!

@AshleyVRobinson #PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

Our Queens @AshleyVRobinson & @itsmeveronica_v have selected their dragons!

#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

Know who this is?

#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

Dragons be so extra 🐉🐉🐉

#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

How to hatch your dragon - don't drop it like @AshleyVRobinson !

#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

Meeting dragons, testing our mettle, usual #Sdcc stuff!

#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc

*deep breath*


#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

You know @itsmeveronica_v kneels to no one!

#PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

Hatched our dragons, snagged the game, earned these pins!

@AshleyVRobinson @itsmeveronica_v #PopverseSays #hotdsdcc #sdcc

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