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Jul 21, 2022, 9 tweets

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce has today contributed UGX 40,000,000 toward the #MakerereAt100 Centennial Celebrations.

.@ProfNawangwe; “I thank the a Chinese Embassy and the China Chamber of Commerce for their support and collaborative partnership as we celebrate #MakerereAt100.”

Madam Jiang Jiqing, the Economic and Commercial Chamber Counsellor; “I congratulate Makerere upon celebrating its 100th Anniversary and I do wish them a sumptuous Alumni Homecoming Dinner.”

Madam Jiang Jiqing; “I believe there many sectors through which we can partner with Makerere i.e Health, agriculture, trade, Computer science, cultural people to people exchange among others.”

Mr Zheng Biao, Representative from the China Chamber of Commerce, “ I feel great honour to be in Makerere as they celebrate 100 years.”

The China Chamber of Commerce has over 100 companies under it in different sectors and we are proud to have set up key projects in Uganda.

Mr Zheng Biao; The China Chamber of Commerce has overseen projects like the Isimba Dam, the Rennovation of the Entebbe Airport, Mbale Business park among others. As such, we are committed to the Buy Uganda Build Uganda project.


Mr Zheng Biao; “Makerere has grown from a technical school to a Prestigious University. As the Chamber we are proud to be here in collaboration with Makerere.”


Mr Zheng Biao; “Today, we sign an MOU to establish a partnership to train graduates with entrepreneurship skills and ready them for the work life through job fairs among the a Chinese communities in collaboration with Makerere.”


Mr Zheng Biao; “Today we also hereby contribute UGX 40,000,000 to Makerere as they celebrate #MakerereAt100

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