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Listing and counting birds is serious fun! We tweet about birding in India, bird identification and how to better document and monitor birds.

Jul 22, 2022, 8 tweets

On 14 May this year, 424 birders from India, Nepal, and Bhutan accumulated 1,150 checklists and recorded 626 species on the day of the first-ever HIMALAYAN BIRD COUNT.


This first edition of the Himalayan Bird Count was designed to coincide with the worldwide #GlobalBigDay and the #EndemicBirdDay in India.


Bird Conservation Nepal (@birdlifenepal), Royal Society for the Protection of Nature, Bhutan (@rspnbhutan) and Bird Count India (@birdcountindia) coordinated at national level.

Within India, a number of groups, incl. Arunachal Pradesh Birding Club..

.. , Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, multiple groups in Jammu & Kashmir, Wildlife Conservation and Birds Club of Ladakh, Doon Nature Walks,and Titli Trust worked across the Himalayan landscape to make this happen.


This map shows (in yellow dots) the locations from where birders uploaded their lists to the eBird platform (@Team_eBird).


And here are the 5 most commonly reported species in three regions of the span of the Himalaya that was covered.

If you took part in the #HimalayanBirdCount, do drop a reply -- and our great appreciation and thanks for your participation!

Detailed results are here:


Please help spread the word about the results of this year's #HimalayanBirdCount, and let's get in gear for next year!

@nehaa_sinha @vivek4wild @rameshpandeyifs @mizoraman

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