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#TOBIO: If you want to be the last one standing, 'wag kang uupo. | your favorite local dramaqueen

Jul 23, 2022, 25 tweets

Unsent: Thoughts, Letters, and Feelings for Tsukishima Kei.
#tsukikage short au

One year has passed but Tsukishima Kei seems like will never be moving on from a certain man. And for another year, destiny and the world decided to be a bitch – destroying him and Kageyama Tobio.

– short au. angst. socmed and narrative. read at your own risk.

tags : angst , character death , car accident , angst uli , (?) ending

[01] ginusto ko to kaya ito ako mananakit agad






tw // hospital , accident , mention of blood

tw // character death


tw // character death



[13] after one year






tw // mention of accident


thank you sa pagbabasa!


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