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Jul 23, 2022, 35 tweets

Many doesn't know this Man and today wanna say just a little bit about him. ED joined Satanism when he was in Russia 🇷🇺 where he was training Intelligence at KGB. He was RGM righthand man.

2. ED those who really know him know he doesn't have a heart. Once you betray him then the case is closed, your apology no matter how many times you tender your apology your end is you have to say sorry in your grave. He doesn't trust anyone at all.

3. Emmerson married Jayne, Tongogara's sister when he was spying Tongo. JMT wanted Nkomo to lead Zimbabwe & were backed by Kaunda but RGM wanted to rule claiming that the Shona people were the Majority & the Ndebele Tribe took their land when they run away from Tshaka Zulu.

4. You Al know what happened to Tongo, JZ, and Chitepo. By then he was well known for commanding a group called the Crocodile 🐊. Auxillia who was in CIO in the late 80s was send to spy ED & the KGB man impregnated her & also got all the information RGM was suspecting.

5. When Jayne died in 2002 ED married Auxillia official since they have a Son. ED was very close to Vitalis Zvinavashe and he loved his ruthlessness. Vitalis was tough & cruel. When General Chiwenga succeeded Vitalis, ED being ED groomed Chiwenga to be more cruel in preparation..

6.for his ascendance to power. ED is the only Vice President since 1980 to became the State President. VP Nkomo, Mzenda, John Landa Nkomo, Joyce Mujuru, Mphoko all failed to succeed RGM. ED knew his time was on his side, the only mountain to climb to presidency ws General Mujuru

7. Emerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa killed General Mujuru. It was impossible for ED to remove Joyce when Rex Nhongo was alive. The protocol didn't qllow him if the straight jacket mantra by Zvinavashe was to be respected remember. They shot him dead & burnt 🔥 the house 🏠.

8. General Mujuru the day he was killed he arrived at the nearby shops near his farm in Beatrice where he used to drink. He drank and bought beer 🍺 for his friends drove himself in the late hours home to sleep. ED's men shot the security guards and invaded the shot SM & burnt.

9..burnt the house. One of the security guard thet thought they have killed him but he was shot on the arm he didn't die. He crawed to the road and he hide till the boys have left. He then crawed into the Hre-Masvingo Highway 🛣& and a good samaritan took him to hospital...

10. In Harare at Westend hospital. He arrived When he was unconscious but he gained consciousness he called his brother & to come and pick him up ASAP. He knew the boys were definitely coming for him because they wanted to destroy even. He is now in exile & safe ED knows this.

11. When ED know the path was clear after the Burial of SM. You all know what happened. Intel was now working. Feeding Grace with toxic information everyday lying about Joyce. Remember ED is the one who crafted Intel in Zim when he was Minister of State & Security.

12. He brew stories & worse being Mugabe's long serving Ally Mugabe gave him benefit of doubt and expelled Teurai & ED became VP. Now the main challenge Shefu knew he was not going to win at the EOC in 2017. So that's when the team up with July Moyo for a Coup to gain popularity.

13. If you search on YouTube you will get a video titled Blue Ocean strategy document that when Chinhu Chedu mantra was initiated. But prior to that they have already poisoned MRT. Initially they tried to kill him using accident and failed.

14. Elizabeth Macheka was a well known daughter of a Zanu PF member, don't know why MRT inner circle never advised him. Even @Wamagaisa his chronic illness till today is questionable. ED is ED that's all. Elizabeth & Zodwa were accomplished the mission and the Democrat MRT died.

15. Emmerson cleared the threats but he wanted needed reinforcements. He called TB Joshua and do you know what happened. Connect the dot here
14 Feb - MRT dies.
ED calls TB Joshua to pay him a visit ASAP. Then check what happened.....

16. President MRT being a Former Executive Former Prime Minister ED refused to send a plane to go and ferry MRT. The remains of our leader came rapped just like that from SA . A whole Former Prime Minister. Well check what they did next. The body is now in Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 17 Feb.

17. ED then siezed the body of MRT and the body slept at Commando One Barracks just like what they do to all those Very important Zpf National heroes. They failed to send a plane but they siezed the body and TB then arrived. TB had a large following in Zim bt guess what happened

18. TB left the same day. They siezed the body TB Joshua arrived they he had a secret meeting & he left then they now released the body to the family and the body then slept at Highlands at MRT's House. ED met TB Joshua but refused pictures and media team to film.

18. ED then ordered TB to rather take pictures with Mr Can I f*ck. TB having a large followers in Zimbabwe he didn't even bother to wait for the Sunday and perform those healing & deliverance which they say they do. He didn't even meet his so called spiritual sons Walter & Manu.

19 VP Mohadi with TB Joshua before the secret meeting.

20. TB didn't even bother to go and pass his condolences to the family for MRT. Remember the country was mourning a former Prime Minister. He never chose to do that but to have a meeting with the people who have siezed MRT's body by force. What were they doing?

21. Elizabeth Macheka-Tsvangirai with Zodwa at the ceremony of launching and opening Mr Garwe's restaurant. She wanted to make sure she grab MRT's asserts and she had a wedding with MRT now Richard Jnr is stuck in Norton but his father has a house. ED is ruthlessly cruel.

22. ED refused to accept that he met TB Joshua being an Intel Guru he is a type of a person who doesn't want evidence. Check want he cooked as always. SK Moyo indeed didn't even know what happened remember he was Mugabe loyalist & he was poisoned already without knowing.


24. They took MRT body parts for rituals. Satanism is real & many politicians in Zw are Satanists & that's a fact. He was once accused for witchcraft and right now Traditional healers are sleeping at State House every weekend. They want blood. There is some days when his buses..

24. Which he uses his friends as runners. The King Lion disaster and Mukumba Buses those days they were involved in accidents killing people. They wanted Blood. ED owns 60% of the Businesses in Zvishavane and he use Pote as his runner. Satanism at work.

25. Wake up Citizens Wake Up!!!! What killed Ginimbi what killed TB Joshua?

26. Wake up Citizens Wake up!!

27. When they were failing to fulfill the promises which they were told to compile with. Its a team of Satanists who are running Zw as their private property. They do meetings behind the scenes & deceive us infront of the Cameras. Ginimbi was not an orator tt why he didn't d this

28. Jeremiah 14 vs 14 Then the Lord said to me, The prophets say false words in my name, and I gave them no orders, and I said nothing to them: what they say to you is a false vision and wonder-working words without substance, the deceit of their hearts.

29. Satanists Marine spirits at work.

30. ....


32. Men kneeling down for Makandiwa.

33. END. Tapiwa Makore was buried without a Head. Malaba said he is taking over the case and its now case closed. Satanism is real in Zw. This Lady from Dubai was now confessing & she said they work with Prophets in Satanism. Wake up Zimbabwe. Let's Vote for change 2023. #NHM

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