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I'm Jo. Policy adviser @lgacomms. ‘Twitter's answer to Phileas Fogg' - microblogging silly travel adventures. Views own. Now mostly at Politicanimal on 🦋

Jul 24, 2022, 6 tweets

Slow Travel Turtle and I are luxuriating on our way to start a new adventure, in which we go a bit long form. More on this later today, but just the one hint for now: 1°45'21.945".

Some distinctly inefficient uncoupling at Cambridge meant a missed connection at Ely. With a brass swing trio in the bandstand, weeping willows swaying by the river and a range of waterfowl available for perusing, there’s worse places to have an enforced hour.

When you’ve been sitting at Ely for 2 hours because of a level crossing failure somewhere in mid-Norfolk, that little green light finally appearing on the diagram for your train is a wondrous moment.

Best that can be said for this rail journey is at least it is going to be free. And that the air conditioning on Greater Anglia’s local trains is pleasingly ferocious.

Trundling over the Reedham swing bridge on a gorgeous evening.

So the actual thread for the mini adventure of #GoWest starts here. I’m hoping it is a little smoother than the train journey to get here… 🐢

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