Adam Boxer (find me on 🧵s) Profile picture
Science teacher at TTA | Co-founder Carousel Learning | CogSciSci | researchED | CPD/INSET | TBFM podcast | Springboard Science

Jul 25, 2022, 7 tweets

Most minorities: I feel afraid and victimised

The Left: I'm sorry to hear that, let us help

Jew: I feel afraid and victimised

The Left: let me explain why you are wrong

(Read comments)

"Stop talking about antisemitism, it's offensive to those of us who are fighting the REAL battle"

"You're only upset that people have sent you death threats because really you HATE MUSLIM WOMEN"

"Ah sorry no. You only think antisemitism is real because you are an idiot and have fallen for a global media conspiracy"

Oh wait

"You, random Jew! You only care about corbyn because you hate palestine"


Tell me you know nothing about Jews without telling me you know nothing about Jews

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