Amiel Villanueva Profile picture
Pulmonary Medicine Fellow 🫁 | MD 🇵🇭 MPH (Glas) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 | Chevening Scholar 21/22 🇬🇧 | Interested in #causalinference #EBM #bioethics | Tweets my own

Jul 25, 2022, 5 tweets

@PWGTennant: Avoiding observational research altogether is 'socially regressive'. #LeedsCausalSchool

@PWGTennant: When we admit that what we want is causal, we admit that what we currently have is not enough. #causalinference #LeedsCausalSchool

@statsmethods: Prediction & causal inference often use the same tools but use them differently for different goals. 💡 #LeedsCausalSchool

Yikes, here comes "SUTVA". #LeedsCausalSchool

Ended #LeedsCausalSchool Day 1 with @GeorgiaTomova on building models from DAGs (and the Table 2 fallacy 🔥)

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