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#TOBIO: If you want to be the last one standing, 'wag kang uupo. | your favorite local dramaqueen

Jul 25, 2022, 47 tweets

Flowers For... You?
#atsukage short au 

Florist Kageyama Tobio can’t help but get shocked when a certain customer named Atsumu Miya flees the flower shop without even paying.


– short au. crack and fluff. atsukage being, well, atsukage.

tags : crack , fluff , happy ending , alaws po angst , florist!tobio , student!atsumu , basta happy ending

[01] umpisahan ang short au sa pampaswerteng linya: ginusto ko so paninindigan ko

[02] gulo niyo huh

[03] ang saya pala pag parehas magulo yung bida no

[04] ayan na

[05] aminin niyo pag nangyari yan nakakahiya talaga

[06] kahiya ka be

[07] hahshsshahahahahahaha

[08] im sunarin sa friendship na to

[09] bleh

[10] landi >>> org duties

[11] ano na naman ba nangyari

[12] wahahaha desurv

[13] odiba ang bilis ng revelyshun

[14] odiba cinonfirm pa ni yachi marie


[16] wahahahahahahaha

[17] si osamu damage control nila hshajshsha

[18] pogi shet

[19] sike di siya damage control

[20] amaryllis

[21] di ako sure if tama meaning sensya na pi yan sabi ni google e

[22] AYAN NA AYAN NA [jazz music]

[23] hzhzhshhahsha

[24] ako na naiiyak para sa kanila 🥲🥲

[25] bading tlg e


basta time skip po cguro mga 2 days gan0n

[27] yari ka boi

[28] hshshshahahhaha

[29] anong greetings greetings sisigawan ka dapat agad no

[30] hshdjsuuauss pogi

[31] lah siyah

[32] yabang mo nmn

[33] iwa be like: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️

[34] simula nung nakaraang short au pa to reklamador pota hagshshsha

[35] yABANG

[36] oh gulat kayo no

[37] hahshahahshs

[38] ang gulo gulo nila pls 😭😭

[39] landian muna b4 party

[40] ❤


thanks po so much sa pagbabasa sana nag enjoy kayo sa aking first ever atsukage short au!! sigawan tayo sa cc tara


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