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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Jul 26, 2022, 30 tweets

Stonewall's defensive briefing about its Diversity Champions scheme just keeps getting longer


Stonewall provides advice to *employers* ... they are referring to the wrong Code of Practice here.

Their guidance differs markedly from the Code of Practice

They've got unpublished legal advice? 🤷‍♀️ Great. "Trust us!"…

For example the Code of Practice says that where an employee is transitioning the employer should talk to them about using *different* facilities.

Stonewall say that all facilities are provided based on gender-self identity

"gender identity" they say can be used interchangeably with "gender reassignment"

The impact of this is that they tell employers *not* to monitor the protected characteristic of sex, but only "gender identity"

.... trans women are women you see.

What they subtly misstate here is that the protection against discrimination in the Equality Act does not mean that a person has changed sex

Here they say they don't want to ban the word "mother" they just want to redefine it, and make it impossible to use to describe the rights of actual mothers.

In their view a man who has fathered a child can be a "mother"

Does Stonewall see a conflict between employers obligations to protect "LGBTQ+" (that's not a protected characteristic!) and gender critical employees.

No they say...

Why then did they lead this open letter condemning the EHRC for intervening in my case?…

Why did their Head of Trans Inclusion email Garden Court Chambers to complain about Allison Bailey express gender critical views on the internet and chairing a WPUK meeting?

With one breath they say protection for GC beliefs are "very narrow", and with the next they tell employers to go above and beyond the law.

In fact protection against harassment & discrimination is the same for any PCs. That's why its called the *Equality* Act

Its normal to use everyday language to describe the law they say ....

... but also the Equality Act doesn't use the term "biological sex" 🙄

The EHRC's new guidance on single-sex services is confusing therefore.

(everyone knows "sex" means what Judith Butler says, its not confusing at all... )

This is what the Equality Act says.

Sex discrimination includes discrimination related to pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding.

(But its nothing to do with biological sex says Stonewall)

This is nonsense.

There is an *exception* which allows the provision of single-sex services.

The Equality Act sets out a list of circumstances where these exceptions can be applied. It does not mention "gender identity"

Being a Stonewall Diversity Champion or Workplace Equality member does not affect impartiality they say

They email Diversity Champions members and encourage them to tweet in support of Stonewall's preferred legal changes.

And then award them Workplace Equality Index points for doing so.

Are we campaigning to amend the Equality Act. No they. say.

Meanwhile what they told the Women and Equality Select Committee was yes.

And here again in their vision for change.

2 - reform to Equality Act

(also 4. judicial clarity on "sex by discrimination" - that means removing protection from rape victims)

"many of these cases"

This was a single case

Will this judgment stand the test of time?…

This is what Nancy Kelley said about Stonewall's desire to influence the BBC

This is what the Information Commissioner's Office says

"Such is the potential for a scheme to be misused as a campaigning tool, the Commissioner considers that there is an unusually strong public interest in transparency. "

The Stonewall Workplace Equality Index is quite clearly a tool for ideological enforcement…

Stonewall complain about FOI requests.

What they don't say is that the advice they have been giving to members to claim "commercial interests" and "confidentiality" is not in line with the law, according to the ICO…

Yesterday they added this shocking barefaced lie, trying to distance themself from the previous day's tweet about 2 year olds being trans

(can you see why they don't want to use the terms "sex" and "transsexual" which are in the Equality Act?)

Organisations that are concerned: This is bad advice.

Don't look to Stonewall's FAQ or unpublished legal advice to get the facts or the law straight.

Ask your general counsel, not the LGBTQ+ team or your social media colleagues.

Promote real inclusion, which recognises that everyone has equal human rights.

Everyone has a sex, and there are important legal protections against sex discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, belief discrimination and for "gender reassignment".


And the thread keeps going....

Are they or aren't they involved with nursery schools?

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