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🗳Building governing power for reproductive freedom and abortion access in our communities and state houses.

Jul 26, 2022, 28 tweets

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed the final piece of the state budget and vetoed money Republicans funneled toward anti-abortion clinics.

We're working to send more prochoice candidates to fight alongside Governor Whitmer.

Get to know our prochoice champions in Michigan! 👇

"To be clear, the SCOTUS decision will not stop abortions. Instead, it will make another piece of quality and safe reproductive healthcare inaccessible to particular economic groups and portions of our population." – Kristian Grant.

"As a legislator, I have consistently led on such issues as earned paid sick leave, repealing the 1931 “zombie” abortion criminalization law, against voter suppression legislation, and on improving standards of care for pregnant inmates." – @SenErikaGeiss

"I am using my platform to call for Reproductive Freedom & increased privacy protections because the horrors of the past shouldn't have to revisit us.I won't sit idly by as theocrats usurp my daughters' and wife's autonomy, their reproductive freedom and choices". – @MarkBignell

"I have lived through pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum. Through my experience, I am even more outspoken about a woman being able to make her own choices surrounding reproductive freedom. We all deserve autonomy in making our own healthcare decisions." – @VoteDebWarren

"I am a co-sponsor on HB 5542, the Reproductive Health Act, protecting the right to an abortion without fear of criminal penalty across Michigan. We all deserve autonomy over our bodies, and I will not stop fighting until we secure that right for all." – @AbrahamAiyash

"I will never stop fighting for bodily autonomy for child-bearers. It is a basic right to privacy that has been acknowledged and respected. My two daughters and all those future child bearers deserve nothing less." – @Vote4Morse

"In 2021 alone, I co-sponsored several pieces of legislation to bolster reproductive freedoms, such as HB 5542. I will continue to do so if reelected, and I will fight especially hard now that Roe V. Wade is overturned." – @JimHaadsma

"I am pro-choice, and I’m fighting back against extremist politicians who want to take away the right to an abortion — even in cases of rape or incest. Women have a right to bodily autonomy, and politicians should not get it between a woman and her doctor." – @KaraHope7

“As the first openly-gay member of the Michigan Senate, the work for access to fact-based, affordable healthcare is intersectional as many LGBTQ+ people depend on Planned Parenthood for medical services when it may not be safe to seek elsewhere.” – @JeremyAllenMoss

"As a legislative staffer and city councilman, I've crafted and developed policies that made reforms to policing, strengthened and protected our right to vote, expanded rights for the LGBTQ community, and expanded sexual health education in schools." – @JasonMHoskins

"Banning abortion is a violation of one's human right to adequate healthcare. I know that outlawing abortions will not end them, it will just make them more dangerous for those who are already disadvantaged and marginalized in our society." – @huwaidaarraf

"I am haunted by the story of Savita Halappanavar, who died from sepsis after her request for an abortion was denied based on legal grounds while she suffered a miscarriage. It is my priority to protect the reproductive rights of women everywhere." – Aisha Farooqi

.@ShadiaMartini was born and raised in Syria. As a volunteer, she saw abandoned babies and how far people would go to access abortion. Her lived experience reminds her that abortions don't stop because of legalities. She is determined to fight tooth and nail for birthing people.

"As a commissioner, I voted to fund Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan when PPAM lost their Title X funding and also voted to take those services into our health department." – @ShinkSue

"As a graduate student and teacher in New York, I worked with a local nonprofit focused on hosting community conversations on abortion and other feminist issues. As an elected official, I have carried these conversations with me in the policies I support". – Erin Byrnes

"I am committed to ensuring access to affordable and quality healthcare, including reproductive healthcare. In my role on the Washtenaw County Board of Health, I supported the health department in committing funding to Planned Parenthood." – @votejustinhodge

"As a health care provider, I know how important it is for a patient to make decisions about their health with their provider. Reproductive health choices should be made by women and informed by information from their health provider." – @vote4rogers

"I believe that a person's own autonomy and ability to make decisions specific to and appropriate for each individual, are important. These principles, memorialized in the constitution, deserve strict scrutiny by our courts." – Judge Sima Patel

“As a board member of Fems for Dems and Fems for Democracy, I fully support and help others be Prochoice Champions. I always have my ballot initiatives with me, especially when knocking on doors for my campaign.” – @KristinaLodovis

.@MattforMichigan voted to repeal the tampon tax and against any legislation limiting access to abortion.

"Healthcare decisions should remain between a patient and their healthcare professional. People should be free to make their own medical decisions and I do not believe in the overreach of government in personal healthcare choices." – @kelnoland2020

.@DylanWegela will make sure people can make and carry out decisions without political interference in all matters relating to pregnancy, including abortion, birth control, prenatal care, and childbirth.

After finishing law school, Penelope worked as a victim advocate for survivors of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault. While there, she arranged temporary discharge for someone incarcerated to receive abortion care.

We’re looking to prochoice champions like @AmandaSiggins to fight for abortion access in Michigan.

It’s time to flip MI HD-101!

"In college, I was a Planned Parenthood volunteer and eventually employed an HIV test counselor. I especially loved talking to young people and giving them the information they could use to make their own decisions - just like I was given when I was a teen." – @Rheingans4Rep

We’ve endorsed over 50 prochoice champions in Michigan!

You can get to know the rest of them in our first thread:

Early voting is happening right now in Michigan!

Find your polling location and go #VOTEPROCHOICE:…

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