Jon Harmon (he/him) Profile picture
🗣️#RStats #DataScience @R4DScommunity admin #TidyTuesday poster 🔗 🔗 🔗

Jul 27, 2022, 6 tweets

OK, I have a seat for @JimKloet talking about Garbage Data #rstudioconf2022 #rstudioconf #rstats

"All DATA are wrong but some are useful."
It takes word to find the needle(s) in the haystack(s) #rstudioconf2022 #rstudioconf #rstats

👀 Identify garbage data
💰 Identify the costs of garbage data
🎬Take action when you see garbage data
#rstudioconf2022 #rstudioconf #rstats

Garbage data can be the wrong data, can be corrupted, can be (rarely) intentionally borked. (the slides were great but I missed photos cuz I was finding out my 🐕 is out of surgery & is doing great, yay!) #rstudioconf2022 #rstudioconf #rstats

Wasting time on garbage data can have a lot of avoidable costs, such as opportunity costs and bad decisions. Don't waste time trying to do things with bad data!

We have to say no when people ask us to work with garbage data. Lead with empathy! Don't turn people into salty stakeholders! Try to get them to come to you with questions, and then find the right data to answer those. #rstudioconf2022 #rstudioconf #rstats

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