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Jul 28, 2022, 6 tweets

1/ A Harvard student group @harvardvotes has invited #Hamtramck Mayor Amer Ghalib to its Summer Voting Camp to teach about voting rights

There’s just 2 problems: Ghalib admitted to possible voter fraud in the 2020 elections. He’s also a racist

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2/ “There were 20 people around me planning to vote for Biden…I got them to vote for Sanders and did their families’ ballot cards myself,” Mayor Ghalib wrote. In Michigan, it is a felony to influence an absentee voter who is voting, or when filling out a ballot for someone else.

3/ But @harvardvotes isn’t just inviting a possible election cheat to teach young adults about voter rights. Mayor Ghalib is an unrepentant racist. Take a look at this meme shared by the mayor during George Floyd protests. It is a popular image on racist and supremacist websites.

4/ Mayor Ghalib also “liked” a Facebook post referring to African Americans as “animal” and “inhuman.”

Hamtramck’s mayor supports anti-Semitic comments, as well, including one that called Jews “monkeys” who tax “the air we breathe.”

5/ Has Mayor Ghalib apologized for his statements, or explained his post claiming to tell absentee voters how to vote?

No. Instead, the mayor called those who exposed him “racist” and anti-Muslim, & bragged about his invitation to @harvardvotes Summer Voting Bootcamp.

6/ Is Mayor Ghalib the type of community leader that @Harvard U. seeks to expose to young students? Isn’t there a more suitable representative among dozens of Muslim American lawmakers?

@harvardvotes must disinvite this documented bigot and potential voter fraud.

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