🦕Ermine aka Stoat 🟥 Courage is contagious 🟥 🦖 Profile picture
Women's rights. Sex realist. Equality Act s212: Woman is a female of any age 🦕 Ermine Amies - member of @tribunaltweets & @WRNNorfolk #RestoreSafeguarding

Jul 28, 2022, 10 tweets

The new services @thecassreview is requiring are set out in Dr Cass' 19 July letter to the NHS.

#ThankYouKieraBell #ThankYouSoniaAppleby


It is based on shared care and integration of support. Will CAMHS get the resources to deliver?
They are already very stretched with staff vacancies.

This is the model Cass outlines for the specialist regional centres "to manage the caseload of children requiring support around their gender identity".

CAMHS which don't have "the capacity,
capability and/or aspiration" to run a service won't be forced to provide the service.

"[T]he governance role of the network in maintaining standards of care and ensuring equitable access."

Urgent support, assessment or intervention may also include early advice to parents or school staff @ParentsForED @SafeSchools_UK @OurDutyGrp @BayswaterSG

How will the "voluntary sector organisations" activists' insistence on affirmation at all ages without exploration and treatment for co-morbid condtions be dealt with?

The disconnection, delays and disturbance of transition form CAMHS to adult services will be addressed.

This marks the end of the shameful failure by NHS Tavistock GIDS to collect and analyse data. A national collaborativeresearch network is established, bringing together clinical and academic representatives from the regional centres. Research will be embedded clinical practice.

There will be "independent oversight of data collection, audit and quality improvement (for example, through a Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership-commissioned approach) will ensure the highest possible standards of data management and

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