Jon Harmon (he/him) Profile picture
🗣️#RStats #DataScience @R4DScommunity admin #TidyTuesday poster 🔗 🔗 🔗

Jul 28, 2022, 11 tweets

Next up (soon): Me! I'm presenting "{shinyslack}: Connecting Slack Teams to Shiny Apps" #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats #RShiny

🔗Join the @R4DScommunity at!
📚Host book clubs for #rstats-related books.

#RStudioConf2022 #RstudioConf #rshiny

Generic scheduling app led to issues:
👯‍♂️Double sign-ups.
👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏾Same name
🚫No connection to Slack user

#RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats #RShiny

Make it #RShiny!
👸🏽@priyankaigit made the app
@yoniceedee made…
🍸Jon mixed slackteams and Shiny
🚼Goal: Easy-to-use

#RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

🔗See the app at (after
#️⃣Sign in with @SlackHQ
🆗Grant permissions
👤User info passed to #RShiny app

#RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

To convert from normal Shiny to shinyslack:
🔁replace shiny::shinyApp with shinyslack::shinyslack_app
🆔and add a team_id!

#RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats #RShiny

📃Slack allows you to create a custom app with a "manifest" (added recently)!

#RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats #RShiny

➕So Jon added a slackteams::create_custom_app function to make this last piece easy.

#RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats #RShiny

✅Easy to use? I hope so!

#RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats #RShiny

🔗Join @R4DScommunity at!
♣️New club: R4DS Project Club! Sign up at… (after you join Slack)!
🙏Thanks again @priyankaigit & @yoniceedee!

#RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats #RShiny

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