Jon Harmon (he/him) Profile picture
🗣️#RStats #DataScience @R4DScommunity admin #TidyTuesday poster 🔗 🔗 🔗

Jul 28, 2022, 11 tweets

Now we have @yjunechoe talking about ggplot2 internals and his cool ggtrace package! #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

Huh on the stream you can often see both the slides and the speaker! Neat! #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

Annotating a box plot can involve knowledge of internals to grok what's happening. #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

Think of ggplot internals as data wrangling. Neat idea! There are data.frames under there! #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

I love how excited June clearly is about this! You can see him talk a lot more about this over in the ggplot2 book club from @R4DScommunity, see #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

"ggproto is scary and we're honestly better off not knowing anything about them" 🤣 #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats is his package for dealing with this stuff without it being scary. #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

ggtrace lets us capture data frames at each step of a plot to make more complex thoughts. Neat! #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

🔴Before Stat: ggtrace_inspect_args
🟡After Stat: ggtrace_inspect_return
🟢Before Geom: ggtrace_inspect_args
🟣After Scale: ggtrace_inspect_return #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

(click through to slides to follow the code, it's cool to see but hard to capture!) #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

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