Jon Harmon (he/him) Profile picture
🗣️#RStats #DataScience @R4DScommunity admin #TidyTuesday poster 🔗 🔗 🔗

Jul 28, 2022, 9 tweets

Moonshot goal: he decided to write and play a video game in #RStats. From what I've seen on twitter I suspect he also submitted it to #RStudioConf as a commitment device. #RStudioConf2022

He focused on pixel graphics, using base #RStats to draw rectangles (pixels). #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf

nativeRaster is a rarely used, fast data format for this purpose. Very fast to copy to the graphics device. #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

Ha I missed grabbing a photo of 5000 pixel beasties being drawn quickly in #RStats. @coolbutuseless is insane in the best way! #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf… for so much fun! Omg I died listening to his drum machine sing, imposed in R, with a visual interface #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

I'm not familiar with the game Another World, but that's what he ported.
Oh this is too awesome. Watch the videos! #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

He has released a zillion packages around this on github. Somebody help him make it work on windows, please! #RStudioConf2022 #RStudioConf #RStats

(er the drum machine SONG was COMPOSED in #RStats, sometimes I can't type)

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