Beyond this world is an imaginal realm. Lovecraft called it the Dreamland, Greeks called it Oneiros, Norse referred to its essence as the mead of inspiration.
Tap into it. Drink its nectar. But first you must work towards the tripartite of wellness. 🧵
Woke cultists create filth. They serve only to generate propaganda for the Mechanurge. However their spiritual corruption reflects in their physiognomy and mental state.
They're fat, weak, stupid, ugly and mentally ill. For this reason their creations will decay into dust.
You, as an #IronAge creator face an insurmountable foe. The totality of the global machine which seeks your annihilation.
But a full connection into the primordial mysteries of dreamsea mythopoetica can help you create immortal art.
But it requires discipline and health.
You're not depressed. You don't have writer's block. Those things are bullshit.
Hypermodernity and its technology are vampiric. It's all causation. Screens, adverts, news cycles, social media all suck your precious life force.
Detox from them whenever you can. 4-5 days a time
Stop watching fucking porn. It's literally poison. It corrupts you and saps your masculine energy.
Those swimmers you're spitting into a tissue are your ancestors. They deserve better.
Porn epidemic is worse than heroin and it contributes to child trafficking.
Become stronger. Do devotions in the temple of iron. Eat better. Drink more water. Get more sun.
Not everyone has the time or genetics to forge a Frazetta sculpted physique. What's important is putting in the energy. Becoming stronger than you were before.
Practice your faith. I'm not interested in a religious debate. Many BZA contributors are Odinists, others are Catholics. But all of us observe spiritual tradition.
Having real fear of real supernatural evil makes believable villains in stories.
Science worship is gay.
Spicy take:
I'm an advocate for psychedelics. Not because of the silly nonsense during the use. But because of their medicinal properties.
Psilocybin mushrooms even in microdose create new neural pathways. They help fix your brain from the damage of modernity.
You are a soldier in the culture war. Chosen by forces beyond yourself to bear the torch of creative masters of yesteryear. Dress like it.
Whatever your style is, make sure you look like a boss. Flex on the drooling normie husks and frumpy cat ladies.
Exude power and virility.
Have fun. Enjoy the pleasures of life. Seek happiness. Go on adventures.
The best stories are inspired by real life experience. Nothing good comes from staying in all day.
Do something dangerous. Do something weird.
Be good.
Be a good dad, a good friend, a good businessman and a good comrade.
Your legacy is defined by your relationship with others.
Always use your strength and power to help lift up your smaller brothers so they may achieve greatness.
You wouldn't be here without them.
Embrace the madness of obsession for your work. Grind those late nights. Don't rest until it's done.
Write with "pulp speed". Chase your destiny with reckless abandon.
Become a force of nature.
The dreamsea is an unexplainable, immeasurable realm of both wonder and terror. The key to unlock it isn't some trinket.
You are the key. It is in your blood, in your soul. The mutants can't reach it and they hate you for it.
Become the key. Create immortal art.
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