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the global search for chant fragments

Jul 29, 2022, 9 tweets

sometimes fragments are bits of nice books that got repurposed, but sometimes they're really genuinely scrappy, like this lil guy fragmentarium.ms/view/page/F-co…

doesn't seem to be anything on the back, and the chants are a bit of an odd combination, too. gonna choose to believe this was somebody's cue sheet.

v.thoughtful of this worm to munch alongside but not through the music

happy #FragmentFriday!

should say, the chants are just two responsories to go with readings from Judith in the summer. that part isn't that weird. doing it in this order happens only about 1/2 the time, but also not that weird. cantusindex.org/id/006492 cantusindex.org/id/006488

what IS a little weird is that this chant isn't supposed to end here:

we SHOULD get a whole extra line, and then the responsory verse! like this:

instead we march right along to the next responsory, apparently. which should start something like this:

...except we haven't got the first words in our fragment. actually the little custos at the end of the line suggests we go straight on without stopping!!

so we have a bit of a Frankenchant, gluing together bits from two places to make a big long thing. not sure why one might do this. an experiment?

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