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CEO @feenkcom We modernize legacy systems. How? #MoldableDevelopment

Jul 29, 2022, 7 tweets

A case study of #MoldableDevelopment:

A while back we implemented the squarified treemap algorithm in #GToolkit.

The implementation is based on a paper written by Bruls, @mackees and van Wijk in 2000 that describes a heuristics-based algorithm.


The paper describes the algorithm in detail, and most of the explanations are based on visual depictions.

Here is a visualization showing the core iterative steps taken by the algorithm.


Of course, the main goal of implementing an algorithm like this is to produce the final picture. Here is how such a result looks like in #GToolkit.


But our goal is not only to produce a functional system. We want an explainable system. The rule of thumb is that if a human deems a representation as meaningful, it should be the responsibility of the system to carry it forward.


In our case, when we inspect the algorithm, we want to see the picture showing the steps as in the paper!


Once the algorithm object knows how to present itself, we document the code through examples that give us interesting algorithm objects.


And once we have examples, we can quickle write a narrative.


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