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Fox 5 DC Reporter. Like/RT not endorsement. I use facts/interviews/primary sources. "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." Mark Twain

Jul 30, 2022, 13 tweets

HAPPENING NOW: @DCPoliceDept has confirmed officer involved shooting in NW. Unclear what happened here. Working to gather details. Investigation looks to be centered on Madison St.. Can see chopper flying overhead. Saw an ambulance leave the scene.Park police cruiser here as well

Here’s a video and chopper flying over the scene. A handful of unmarked officers here as well. #Fox5DC

#Fox5DC has learned of another shooting scene nearby that may be connected to this one. That scene is less than a mile away.

Still an active scene here. Heard a neighbor say she heard multiple shots but don’t know much more than that at this point. Chopper that was flying overhead has left. Several officers remain on scene. #Fox5DC


NEW DETAILS: Police believe this started as a drive by shooting on Longfellow near Georgia. The pedestrians and two cars exchanged gunfire. Two people were hit. Police then get a call for another vehicle driving nearby that had people with guns inside. They find that vehicle…

..a white sedan. Someone got out of that car and police say they gave commands to stop. They say the suspect didn’t and one shot was fired, hitting the man. He is in critical condition. The two shot near Georgia Ave were transported, too. Police say they’re looking for…

…2 sedans. A black and green one and hope to put more info out about that soon. Unclear how this white sedan where the man who was shot by police is connected since it’s not one of the vehicles believed to be involved in the original shooting. Police say fluid situation. #Fox5DC

Still an active scene here. This video shows the car involved still there. And investigators zoned in on part of the park nearby. #Fox5DC

Update from police today confirming the man who was shot by police died as a result of his injuries.

Fox 5 is expecting an update from MPD at some point soon.

We'll keep you updated.


Here's what we have about all this:



MPD identifies the man shot and killed by police as 31-year-old Kevin Hartgraves-Shird from SE.

Release says an officer saw Hartgraves-Shird with a gun and fired.

Yesterday, police said there were commands to drop the gun.

Full release from police below:


We're live at 7 on #Fox5DCPlus with the latest.

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