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Brooklyn Nets enthusiast he/him

Jul 31, 2022, 16 tweets

Who knew a "parallel" economy could get itself so tangled up?

Let's straighten out their publishing wing.

"S&S has a right wing conservative imprint that’s wacky enough– called Post Hill Press.

But within Post Hill Press there’s an even more over the edge out there imprint called Liberatio Protocol."

This part is really odd - a blog called "Parallel Economies" - is stanning for Dan Bongino and his publishing company - along with sharing affiliate links - all while Dan is being sued by Andrew Torba over the "Parallel Economy" trademark.

Dan Bongino super-fans aside - what's going on here? Why is this one holding company creating so many fronts, and where exactly do folks like Jake Hoffman (claims to control 3 align companies) and Eric Berger (#FreeRoots founder) come in?

Because its feeling weirder and weirder that Liberatio published author and Content Manager for the Bongino Report - Matt Palumbo - was interviewing Gazi Kodzo on Gavin McInnes's show.

#BargainBinBongino, Matt Palumbo also has at least one title published by Post Hill Press. It seems that books via this publisher are more likely to enter the "Premiere Book Group" pipeline - meaning marketing, signings, sales (including bulk), etc.

And it still blows my mind that @NateSilver538's Joe Biden approval polls include multiple sponsored by Liberatio Protocol titles

"right hand man to Gavin McInnes"

"If you’re in need of ammunition to shoot down liberal lies, this is the book for you."

In that first tweet, you might have noticed the @newsbusters article. Newsbusters also has a link to the Bongino Report ever-present on their site.

But did you also know - @newsbusters, which is part of @theMRC is connected to another one of Palumbo's previous employers? Enter Intermarkets.

Intermarkets served as an ad tech partner to multiple @theMRC sites, by getting them signed on to @mediavine, a site monetization company typically used by cooking blogs.

@DwyaneWade @itsgabrielleu - This network - or so called "parallel economy" survives off the hate and division @mrctv directed towards your family in the past. I hope you would consider asking Premiere Book Group why they partner with Post Hill Press.

@RuPaul as well.

Almost seems like Stripe for publishing

They're literally never going to stop unless people think a bit more

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