Godrich Gardee Profile picture
Director & Attorney at Gardee Godrich Attorneys Inc @GardeeAttorneys Head: International Relations @EFFSouthAfrica !

Aug 1, 2022, 7 tweets

#KingMswatiKilledHillary The shoddy investigation by @SAPoliceService is influenced by @EswatiniGovern1 to avoid diplomatic fallout.... on 26 April 2016..this is what we said about the plight of people of eSwatini. Hillary is not a victim of common robbery crime !!

The refusal by @SAPoliceService to handover the docket to The Hawks & the investigation to be led by Hawks is exactly to ensure that we end with a cold case & truth of @EswatiniGovern1 involvement is not unearthed.

On 12 April 2022...four borders were closed and each for more than 6 hours. There was no income for @EswatiniGovern1 #KingMswatiKilledHillary The King was angry & he unleashed his foreign intelligence service with a robbery decoy......

It is not a coincidence that after we marched on 12 April to the no man's land and disrupted @EswatiniGovern1 immigration officers that 17 days later, 29 April our daughter #HillaryGardee is kidnapped, her daughter dumped & a self styled exiled PUDEMO member is arrested....

Foreign Intelligence Sevices undermine South Africa with impunity. They travel all the way to assasinate dissidents. It is a common practice world wide to assaisante opponents in foreign lands. #KingMswatiKilledHillary


Only an assassin gun at close range will not exit a skull. Only assasins use more than one car to execute a hit & that is what occured of #HillaryGardee. Orgainsed with military precision. Not a coincidence. Robbery is a decoy. #KingMswatiKilledHillary

We have consistently called for isolation of @EswatiniGovern1 & make the lives of their families in South Africa unbearable. Foreign Intelligence Sevices of @EswatiniGovern1 acted fast to make us feel what we threaten them with before we do so & they killed #HillaryGardee.

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