Rescue Britain Profile picture
The official UK Campaign to intervene and Rescue Britain from high utility prices, fuel costs, and an impossible cost of living! (Not politically affiliated.)

Aug 1, 2022, 18 tweets

1/18 🧵 Welcome to the #RescueBritain campaign. We are a grassroots response to the destructive profiteering around utility pricing, insane fuel costs, and government inaction on all of the above. Please see in this thread, our simple campaign objectives:

2/18 🧵No political party, or private company in the UK has yet committed to safeguarding British people from these devastating price increases, and the debt inevitably coming with them.

3/18 🧵 Fuel (petrol & diesel) costs in the UK have risen roughly 62.5% over five years according to our research. This is a massive inflationary cost to doing business in the UK.

4/18 🧵 Electricity costs in the UK have risen over five years, by at least 29% according to our research. This is likely to increase massively in October, as generating costs per unit increase.

5/18 🧵 Gas retail prices in the UK have more than doubled in five years, and are likely to increase to a much greater degree in October 2022. This has happened, despite wholesale costs recently dropping, and supply increasing!

6/18 🧵 Water, wholly unrelated to fossil fuel pricing, has increased in price (according to our research) to consumers by an average of 51% over five years. Yet, our service quality has plummeted, and dividends increased. Is this in any way fair on Britain?

7/18 🧵 All UK utility prices have increased, at current prices, by an average of 62% since 2017, with further massive increases to come in October 2022. This has added to bills, by an average of at least £1,000 per typical household. Is this fair on Britain?

8/18 🧵 Given what is coming in October 2022, with massive, damaging, unjustified and harmful price increases planned, we must act. We have chosen to make it economicaly and politically impossible for these increases to happen. We have chosen to #RescueBritain.

9/18 🧵 Our first Campaign Demand, is for the UKGOV to cap Water prices at 2017 UK levels, for twelve months, from October this year, to October 2023. Access to clean water should not be subject to piracy and extortion. #RescueBritain

10/18 🧵 Our second Campaign Demand, is for the UKGOV to cap Electricity prices at the average 2017 UK levels, for twelve months, from October this year, to October 2023. People shouldn't be put into debt-slavery just to keep the lights on. #RescueBritain

11/18 🧵 Our third Campaign Demand, is for the UKGOV to place a cap on our utterly insane gas prices to the 2017 UK average levels, from October this year, to October 2023. Being able to stay warm in winter is a human right in a so-called 'civlised' country. #RescueBritain

12/18 🧵 Our fourth Campaign Demand, is for UKGOV to place a price cap on Petrol & Diesel at 2017 UK average levels, from October this year, to October 2023. Affording to get to work, and business being able to afford fuel, is fundamental for our economic survival. #RescueBritain

13/18 🧵 Our Legislative Campaign Demand A is that UKGOV force companies who do not comply with the price caps, to be compulsory purchased at ZERO pence on the £, and brought into public ownership. No private company is too big to fail, or above the law. #RescueBritain

14/18 🧵 Our Legislative Campaign Demand B is for UKGOV to draw up plans completed by 01/11/2023, to bring the GAS, ELECTRIC and WATER markets under government control via 100% publicly owned and operated organisations, to curb profiteering and economic piracy. #RescueBritain

15/18 🧵 Our Legislative Campaign Demand C is for UKGOV to pass legislation to prevent the re-privatisation, and subsequent corruption scandals, of publicly owned services. The private sector cannot be trusted to act with honour or integrity in these markets. #RescueBritain

16/18 🧵 Legislative Campaign Demand D is for UKGOV to legislate to prevent private companies competing against publicly owned organisations. We see them undercut prices, put in silly bids, and then *gasp* in amazement as their service to consumers falls apart. #RescueBritain

17/18 🧵 Our first campaign outcome will be a 'run' on the share price of targeted utility & fuel companies. Your investments could be seized if those companies do not comply with future legislation. Force change through at an EGM, or Divest now. It is your choice. #RescueBritain

18/18 🧵 Please also follow our campaign on Facebook, and join our Supporters Group for now whilst we set up the rest of our infrastructure. #RescueBritain…

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