Cryptid Politics (pro-DeSantis) 🇺🇸🐊 Profile picture
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Aug 1, 2022, 19 tweets


I will now deconstruct the
whitewashing of Trump lockdowns and his misguided attempt to paint DeSantis as a lockdown king.

Trump announced “15 Days to Slow Spread” on March 16, 2020. (cont)


/2 In his lockdown announcement, Trump called on governors of high transmission states to CLOSE SCHOOLS.

That’s right…Trump called for the closing of schools.

This gave cover to every Dem gov to shutter schools.

/3 Trump advocated & recommended nearly every Dem lockdown position:

“The guidelines also suggest avoiding social gatherings of more than 10 people, avoiding 'discretionary travel, shopping trips, and social visits,' and not to visit nursing homes.”

That’s right…nursing homes.

/4 Trump then inexplicably extended the original lockdown an entire MONTH to April 30, 2020.

“The better you do, the faster those whole nightmare will end.”

More than 3 million Americans had lost their jobs.…

/5 From the beginning, Trump showed a weakness to being maneuvered and ordered around by experts.

/6 Trump also showed a willingness to be guided by optics and feel-good milestones rather than making the best decision for Americans.

He seemed fixated on re-opening by Easter so he could “have all the churches full”. His restrictions had caused stoppage of in-person services.

/7 Trump then botched the Kemp re-open by initially supporting it and then pulling an about-face the next day and condemning it.

No wonder Kemp was irritated with Trump which came back to haunt Trump in 2020 election.…

/8 Trump’s decision making throughout the Georgia episode showed a complete lack of organization and instead a total concern for politics.

/9 When Trump released his reopening guidelines in late-April he allowed sporting venues and movie theatres to reopen…but not schools and daycares.

The idea that Trump was an early “keep schools open” advocate is hilarious.…

/10 Trump claimed it was his decision when to reopen the U.S. economy.

Funny, since Kemp blew right through him and reopened. There was nothing Trump could do about it.…

/11 In perhaps the most damning evidence against the Posobiec crowd claims that RDS was a lockdown proponent, DeSantis met with Trump in late-April 2020 to discuss reopen plans.

He was following Trump’s lead. Trump crowd should like that. It gets better.…

/12 DeSantis showed a continual willingness to follow Trump’s lead and be a team player. Again, this should be appreciated by Trump supporters.

Trump wanted to block travel from Brazil. DeSantis held off.

Trump drove these lockdowns. It wasn’t DeSantis.


/13 NBC News even notes that Trump and DeSantis had a very close relationship throughout the shutdown.

It also notes that DeSantis was concerned about Northeasterners bringing Covid south. This partially explains his initial lockdown and phased reopening. Trump-approved.

/14 The Trump admin did great harm to Florida’s economy by issuing a “Nail Sail” order that halted all cruise activity in March 2020 and was still in place in late-2020.

Trump could have stopped this but didn’t. DeSantis & his state suffered as result.…

/15 I often see the allegation that DeSantis cancelled the 2020 Rep convention in Jax.

WRONG. It was Trump and RNC officials and was due to certain high-profile Rs refusing to visit the state due to surging case numbers.…

/16 Turning point for DeSantis appears to have been when he brought in
Ladapo to replace Scott Rivkees who had apparently been more hawkish on lockdowns than Ladapo.

Trump allowed his bad CV people to stay.…

/17 Trump, meanwhile, allowed Fauci to continue in his administration despite knowing that Fauci was giving bad advice.

Trump was afraid to fire Fauci and said he “inherited” Fauci as part of the bureaucracy. Weak.…

/18 In June 2020 Trump allowed Pence, Fauci, and Birx to hold a press conference during which Fauci basically undermined every positive Trump reopening point.

Trump gave Fauci A LOT of leash. Never forget that.…

/19 I could beleaguer the point, but it’s clear Trump was a total managerial mess during Covid and fell prey to indecision, weakness and bad advice.

Any attempt by @JackPosobiec or other Trump World folks to make DeSantis seem like more lockdown-focused candidate is silly. END

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