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Publishers of Strange Fiction

Aug 1, 2022, 12 tweets

I just watched Razorfist's interview with the Battletech author who was cancelled. Razorfist has really become the first guy with a substantial platform to champion us little guys.

And while his call to boycott is certainly a correct call to arms. There's more to be aware of 🧵

Battletech is an IP from Catalyst gamelabs own by Topps trading card company.

A parent company that produces sports trading cards and also owns the Shadowrun IP

Earlier this year, Topps was acquired by finance goblin Michael G Rubin and his company "Fanatics".

In comes the great Satan of international finance, investment group BlackRock.

Thus enforcing an increased ESG score in order to get some of the 150 Trillion dollars of allocation dedicated to fund the wokest companies.

Highly highly suggest you watch this

Yes. Degenerate wokeness isn't a phenomon propagated by a loud minority. They're just the NPC henchmen.

Wokeness is a top down plot by international finance, unbeholden to any law or government, to rain welfare bankbux on the compliant and punish wrongthinkers (us).

How much money could they have you ask? The answer is "all of it". BlackRock has an algorithm that automates investment. Literally an endless stream of money to bankroll whatever the globalists want.

One of BlackRock's most recent ventures has been purchasing vast amounts of residential homes and outbidding families.

Soon cancel culture will become far more extreme then just getting fired or being harassed online.

Soon they will ban you from the central virtual commerce that we've all been incrementally lead into.

If they can ban you from having a bank account, what's next? Electricity?

Soon everything you like in media, art, politics and beyond will be completely commanded by these unelected, demonic jackals who want to force the world into their deranged utopian vision.

Communism, Capitalism, Fascism are all gone. The new tyranny is global neo-technocracy.

Don't boycott because you want your favorite IP to come back. It's gone.

Our only option is to make our own everything. Voting with your dollar may not matter against international finance. But with indies it's everything.

This isn't meant to blackpill anyone. In fact we have the greatest opportunity in decades to usher in the #IronAge

We don't need them. Never did. And if we become stubborn and work together, in our little ecosystem something magnificent can bloom.

Reject Woke. Embrace Pulp.

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