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Proud Pakistani 🇵🇰 Mind over matter. I do not mind and they do not matter "khan Sahab" | Be responsible for your own words👓 | Insafian👍🏿

Aug 3, 2022, 12 tweets

Thread 🧵
1. ECP’s verdict not only showed their bias towards PDM but also their incompetence. In their desperation to paint PTI and Imran khan negatively, they neglected to check details and verify accounts that they are deeming as fraudulent. #ECPSharamKaro

2. From a joint account, a couple donated $27,500 to PTI. Nasser Aziz is of Pak origin & Romita Shetty is of foreign origin. ECP only accepted $13,750 and deemed the remaining as prohibited. So, would only half their children be Pakistani? 🤔 #ECPSharamKaro 2/12

3. Beenish Faridi is a dual national & Pakistani who contributed towards PTI in 2013. It is a humiliating & disheartening attempt by ECP to deem overseas Pakistani as non-Pakistanis. This shows their fear of how they are intimidated by those living overseas. #ECPSharamKaro 3/12

4. Contributing to PTI USA LLC since 2011, Ovais is a member of PTI. This was the only acceptable way to pay for membership. Per ECP, fund collected to this account are prohibited. But these are verified people & ECP would have known if they did their research #ECPSharamKaro 4/12

5. Researching individual people is complicated, ECP could have at least verified information on companies: National Fruit Processing Factory is based in Pak & donated funds in PKR to PTI 2011.
But ECP has them listed in Canada. Even their geography is off. #ECPSharamKaro 5/12

6. Murad Ansari was also named as a foreign national when he contributed in 2013. At that time, he was only a Pak citizen. Currently he retains dual nationality. Another example of how ECP is threatened by overseas Pakistanis is that they fabricate lies. #ECPSharamKaro 6/12

7. Local company, Zain Cotton, claimed by ECP as prohibited - the owner, Mian Javed Akhtar was a PTI contestant in the local elections - ECP, what is your validation for declaring these funds as unlawful? #ECPSharamKaro 7/12

8. Asif Khan, a Pakistani, paid PTI through his company Probist INC, yet the funds are deemed unlawful. So, a Pakistani & Pakistani company - where is the disconnect, ECP, or did you not do your homework again? #ECPSharamKaro 8/12

9. ECP does not even spare from trying to malign those who are deceased and cannot defend themselves. Dr. Mazhar Rishi and Dr. Samia Rishi were both Pakistani physicians who contributed towards PTI. What is the issue with their donation, ECP? #ECPSharamKaro 9/12

10. Arif Naqvi’s company Abraaj group donated to PTI in 2012. He has been alleged guilty as of 2018. Unless ECP possesses future telling abilities, how would anyone know this would happen? Mr. Naqvi may have broken UAE law, but Pak is a different country, no? #ECPSharamKaro 10/12

ECP used this list to show foreign companies sending funds to PTI. They did not read through this list, as PayPal & various banks used to transfer funds are listed. Sad example of an institution with a personal vendetta & not completing their due diligence. #ECPSharamKaro 11/12

This thread is just tip of the iceberg. These names popped up with minimal research. Once more details come out, how well will your decision uphold? You are intent in proving PTI wrong, that you have lost all your credibility in this process. Was it worth it? #ECPSharamKaro 12/12

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