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Aug 3, 2022, 8 tweets

A Thread ๐Ÿงต about News of Osama Bin Laden Funding To NAWAZ SHARIF.
Since it is not Proven Yet but many people claimed that he get Funding from him.

1. Shaheed Benazir claimed that Nawaz using the money from Osama Bin Laden for toppling her Government in 1989.

2. Also their Favourite Journalist Hamid Mir also claimed in an Al Jazeera interview that Osama bin Laden Supported Nawaz Sharif against Benair Bhutto Government and Nawaz Sharif held a meeting with Osama bin Laden.

3. A Former ISI officer, Khalid Khawaja in an interview with Asia Time claimed that NS met Osama Bin Laden 3 times.
The purpose of the meeting was to get Support and Funds from Osama Bin Laden to topple Benazir Bhutto Government.

4. Former Ambassador to US, Begum Abida Hussian claims in an interview that Osama Bin Laden Supported and Funded Nawa Sharif.๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ

๐Ÿ‘‡ Osama Bin Laden Supported, Funded Nawaz Sharif : Abida Hussain(Former Ambassador to US)
{TRIBUNE}: 30 Jan 2021


5. Editor of Frontier Post, Rehmat Shah Afridi teeling that How Nawaz Sharif take the funds from Osama Bin Laden, when he meets him.

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