Indiana Democratic Party Profile picture
The organization that advocates for the future of Indiana and Hoosier families. Please also follow @inhsedems and @INSenDems.

Aug 5, 2022, 39 tweets

These are the 39 politicians in the @INHouseGOP who voted “YES” on forcing birth on rape and incest survivors - even our children.

A majority of @indgop politicians - like @RepWesco - support this ideology and they’re too extreme for Indiana. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@DAbbottStateRep voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@elvis47374 voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@stevebartels01 voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Bruce Borders voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@martincarbaugh voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@vote4mdavis voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

J. Michael Davisson voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@JakeTeshka voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@matt_hostettler voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@DaleForStateRep voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@JeffREllington voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Karen Engleman voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Doug Gutwein voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@daveforstaterep voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

John Jacob voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@chrispjeter voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Jack Jordan voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Chris Judy voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@JoannaKing voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@ryandlauer voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@voteledbetter voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Don Lehe voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@mjlehman23 voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Dan Leonard voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Shane Lindauer voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Chris May voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@MayfieldHouse60 voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@dougmillerIN voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@BobMorrisIN voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@RepCurtNisly voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Tim O’Brien voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@ZachPayneIN voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

J.D. Prescott voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Ben Smaltz voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Craig Snow voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@Speedy4StateRep voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

Jeff Thompson voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

.@RepVanNatter voted to force rape and incest survivors - even our children - to give birth to their attacker’s baby.

They are too extreme for Indiana and Hoosier families. #BansOffIndiana #DefendChoice

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