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battling against misinformation while being a haitian American

Aug 5, 2022, 21 tweets

Amber Heard stans are now spreading misinformation about the unsealed docs so that those who didn't watch the trial or read the documents side with them.
A thread 🧵🪡 #unsealed

🪡: Johnny Depp didn’t try to submit Amber’s n*des into evidence. This is completely false, not only did Amber’s lawyers not supply any exhibit to support this claim. It was specifically stated he had no intention to do so in response, I wonder why AH stans didn’t include this

🪡: Johnny Depp didn’t manipulate any photos or metadata, creation and modification dates aren’t evidence of manipulation, just evidence of when the files were transferred from client to counsel and produced in litigation. Amber’s own evidence has the same ISSUES.

🪡: The tweet that shows two different colored images of Johnny Depp’s face aren’t originals, the one on the left was a low quality image taken from a new site(dailymail) not from evidence and the one on the right is a inkjet printout of the image. Stans are spreading lies

🪡: Johnny Depp did not edit audio tapes, all he did was reproduce the same audio that was in the U.K. trial. These audios were then reviewed and they were confirmed to had not been edited

🪡: Amber Heard tried to exclude evidence from a Reality TV Show that showed the aftermath of her attacking her own sister Whitney Henriquez, and left her with bruises all over her body. Amber has lied on the stand about ever being violent with her sister

🪡: Amber Heard tried to exclude evidence of her donations/pledges

🪡: Amber Heard tried to exclude evidence of her arrest in 2009, where she assaulted her ex Tasya van Ree at the airport, which was witnessed by a police officer

🪡: The reason why Johnny Depp wanted to exclude Dr. Amy Bank’s(psychiatrist) testimony was all based on the words of Amber. Just like her therapist notes, it was complete hearsay from a proven liar

🪡: It was Amber Heard’s own lawyer, Elaine Bredehoft , that had violated the protective order on Amber’s SA allegations with the media present at the time.

🪡: Amber Heard tried to exclude expert testimony from Bryan Neumeister in which he found many inconsistencies with the metadata of her photos and he said that her photos weren’t actual photos but screengrabs.

🪡: Johnny Depp’s expert witness DID NOT say Amber Heard’s photos were not edited. He stated that nobody could opine to the authenticity of them due to how they were presented. The same thing he said on the stand. This is a dishonest characterization from Heard’s team

SUMMARY: Basically the whole thread by @cocainecross is just baseless claims made by Amber's team and she is reporting it as fact.

This thread isn't over, I will update. But let's get into the juicy stuff about these stans: Another Thread 🧵🪡

🪡: There is now infighting with the Amber Stans, A friend of @k4mil1aa threatened to misgender a trans Amber Stan named Lav. She also called her an idiot for supporting Ukraine LOL

🪡: Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson did not try to recruit an 18 year old girl from the meet and greet. 18 was in reference to a song. "18. With you guys. Depp show with me"

🪡: Amber Heard stans were in support of a movement called #CutForAmber where the stans were harming themselves in support of Amber.

🪡 Amber wanted to exclude evidence countering the authenticity of the Stephen Deuter's text (kicking on plane), whilst still wanting the permission to bring it up in court

🪡: Amber Heard wanted to exclude all correspondence(letters and emails) of any Warner Bros. Stipulation or Declaration and their contents. These letters would've proven whether she suffered monetary damages or was released from Warner Bros. due to Adam Waldman's statements.

🪡: Amber Heard wanted to exclude all references to the legal process of her obtaining the TRO. This would include the pendete lite (extortion letter) that she sent to Johnny Depp demanding penthouses, cars, payments etc or she would get the TRO

🪡: Amber Heard wanted to exclude any references to Whitney Henriquez(her sister) throwing a "Pretend Punch" at her merely days after an alleged incident of abuse. This pretend punch was witnessed on surveillance by the manager of the East Columbia Building; Brandon Patterson.

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