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renhyuck is what keep me going through the day | mainly write for self indulgent, very busy irl pls understand (aus on pinned!) 🐻🦊

Aug 6, 2022, 47 tweets

— under the influence

where one drunken night changes everything

a #renhyuck / hyuckren short au
( cw // harsh words, kissing, makeouts )


meet the cast:

additional cast:
jm — nalen
jn — jovian
mk — malvin
jh — jay

— start

1. ajakan ke party

2. introducing arayan's private account

3. not excited katanya

4. introducing The Loyal band

5. the members

6. si cakep dan si populer kerna banyak tingkah

7. tiba tiba ke backstage

8. lah disamperin

9. that vincent dude is sus

10. percakapan mereka memang begini mohon maap 🙏

11. ini ceritanya arayan ga sadar akunnya ga private kerna dia bego ya itu aja

12. cw // mention of alcohol



15. cw // kiss, making out

16. komuniti gibah udah dateng

17. yang ngajakin ke party siapa yang mabuk siapa

18. masih pagi dan dunia arayan sedang tidak baik baik saja

19. just arayan losing his mind over what he did last night


21. perihal cincin

22. emang nalen big brain

23. di qrt sama beliau

24. the moment of truth

25. belum apa apa udah cute

26. what actually happened, later that night?

27. semua pada sok kenal 😞

28. sickeningly in love

29. Flashback on what actually happened later that night


31. lemah banget lu aya

32. let's just forget everything kata aya

33. Vincent's long heartfelt confessions

34. prove everything with a kiss katanya tapi dianya malu

34. vincent kaget

35. when vincent has all the love languages

36. it's him

— end. thanks for reading! 🫶

this is actually my first short au or au in general so I'm sorry if there's any mistake, and i would feel very happy if you can fill my cc! 🥺🫶

++ for those who's asking whether I'm going to write a long au for this, kayaknya enggak, kerna aku ga punya ide dan if it starts from established relationships takut akhirnya bakalan putus kerna ga ada yang happy ever after dalam kamus hidupku dan aku gamau itu xixixi :D

+ btw ini ada sequelnya yaa 🫶

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