Satyamshakti/Annant Drishti Adhyatam Peetham Profile picture
Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, astro psychology,PLR

Aug 9, 2022, 20 tweets

Most people do not use their MIND correctly.

Lets prove it with an experiment :

Do you know what will be your next thought?

How many thoughts during a day do you 'create' consciously?
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Or does it happen randomly & unconsciously?

Aren't your actions dependent on what random thought comes & influences you?

If you aren't bringing in thoughts consciously & your actions are influenced by random thoughts, are you truly in control?
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Think of your favorite mouth food right now.

Now, your favorite drink.

Now, think of something which makes you feel good

Didn't I just influence your next stream of thoughts which may end up into actions based on these thoughts planted in you?
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Is it not what search engines & social media companies are doing to influence & control your purchases?

That's the power of mind!

Read about sub-atomic particles, higgs boson etc. - you will find that the world around you is only energy.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Nature of energy is vibratory; e.g. graphs of sound vibration.

Every single thought has its own frequency & energy, with the potential to influence the so called real world around you.

Every single thought is like a ripple in a stagnant lake.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

And unconscious flow of chaotic thoughts can have long lasting ripple effects which can turn into a tornado to shake your world.

All the chaos in the world you are witnessing is just a small example of what chaotic thoughts can do collectively.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

When a political leader talks about 'World peace', he might be referring to avoiding wars or hatred among different communities, or pandemic situation etc,
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

but when an enlightened being talks about 'World peace', he is talking about the restless minds of common people, because that's where the ripple started and turned into a tornado like a butterfly effect.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Despite all chaos, if you are reading this answer in peace means your mind isn't attracting chaotic situations (consciously or unconsciously is a different topic).

Pause for a moment; become that pause.

-Shri Paroksh Yogi ji (Himalayan Mystic).
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Wherever your attention is energy flows there.

Imagine the wastage and leakage of energy due to useless thoughts which you keep on entertaining.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Whereas a calm and peaceful mind can have the necessary control to ignore the useless thoughts and focus the power of attention only into useful thoughts to achieve success by manifesting what you really want.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

India has an ancient tradition (people are forgetting it nowadays) to touch feet of wise people to seek blessings, specially from those who have high spiritual wisdom.

There is a deep and subtle reason behind it, which most people do not know.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

The tradition began when moksha/salvation was life's only goal & post a certain age most people were devoted to spirituality.

These practices use many methods to calm the mind by spending more time in desire-less/thought-less meditative states.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Such people used to become masters in conserving mental energy by not paying attention to useless thoughts & desires.

A desire-less silent mind is very close to the creator - God/pure consciousness.

-Shri Paroksh Yogi ji (A Himalayan Mystic)
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Such desire-less people are powerhouses of unlimited energy.

A single consciously created thought in such a mind will be so powerful, that it will manifest soon.

#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

But such sages are in such a desire-less meditative state, that they do not want anything at all and they simply live effortlessly in a witnessing mode.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

The idea - serving & seeking sages' blessings was to benefit by their energy vibes.

You wouldn't want to bother them, else you have no idea what can happen.

Idea of blessings & curse came from here; doesn't mean that these would be effective.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

Depends on how close you are to pure source in you.

There are many stories about how one can get close to divine consciousness by being around & serving such sages.

One heartfelt blessing of theirs can transform your life beyond imagination.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

For some people energy simply flows with life effortlessly wherever it takes them, without any resistance, without much planning and whatever is needed somehow comes to them without even desiring for them.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

So, if you do not want to be a slave of your random thoughts which ultimately attracts chaos, please learn to ignore your useless thoughts.

Save energy and focus your attention on things which really matter to you.
#Spirituality #TuesdayMotivaton

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