Nuclear Hazelnut 👷🏻‍♀️ Profile picture
Jenifer Avellaneda• PRA & Nuclear Risk Analysis Engineer working at @WECnuclear• Putting fears over Nuclear Energy into perspective.

Aug 9, 2022, 6 tweets

#TuesdayFacts about nuclear power in the U.S.A 🇺🇸

There are 54 commercially operating NPP with 92 nuclear power reactors in 28 U.S. states.

Of the currently operating nuclear power plants, 19 plants have 1 reactor, 32 plants have 2 reactors, and 3 plants have 3 reactors.

The Palo Verde nuclear power plant in Arizona is the LARGEST nuclear plant, and it has 3 powerful reactors with a combined net summer electricity generating capacity of 3,937 MW.

The R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in New York is the smallest nuclear plant, and it has one reactor with a net summer electricity generating capacity of about 581 MW.

The newest nuclear reactor to enter service, Watts Bar Unit 2 with 1,122 MW net summer electricity generating capacity, began commercial operation in 2016.

Two new nuclear reactors are actively under construction: Vogtle Units 3 and 4 in Georgia.

And Vogtle Unit 3 was recently authorized to begin with fuel loading and operations!

Nothing like enjoying a good coffee and reading about nuclear power & the industry. huh?

Good morning from Comanche Peak NPP, (Texas) y’all!

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