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The Game of Tomb on Fantom Opera - Part of the Tomb Ecosystem Join our TG: Join our Discord:

Aug 10, 2022, 13 tweets

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πŸͺ¦ @TombChain Updates
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πŸͺ¦ Lif3 101
πŸͺ¦ The Game of Lif3
πŸͺ¦ Stable Coin in Development
πŸͺ¦ Updates

#TombLif3Tuesday $TOMB $FTM

Tomb Chain has received a host of minor tweaks, fixes, & adjustments, all thanks to the community and their feedback and observations. We're fast approaching 2,000 Wallets and 100k TXs! Tomb Chain is opening for Developers! Check this link to get started!

Tomb Swap has seen its third week of continual growth in 7-Day Volume. Our Liquidity has nearly doubled since the low back on July 17th. We are currently sitting just under $33M! Let’s not forget that TVL on is currently at $87M!

LIF3 Swap has seen similar growth just as we saw with Tomb Swap. The week of July 17th – 23rd, we are showing $489k in 7-Day Volume, but two weeks later, from July 31st – August 6th, we are showing $2.1M for the same 7-Day span! Liquidity is currently up over $6M!

The Garden has two pools with TVLs over $1M! TSHARE/TOMB and LIF3/TOMB! FTM/TOMB was over $1M earlier, but then $FTM dropped 4% for the day.

The Terrace is our Lending and Borrowing product; from what we can tell, it hit the ground running! TVL on the Terrace is already $2.3M with $1.5M Supplied and $544K Borrowed.

The Greenhouse is our Single-Staking solution for both $TOMB and $LIF3! While single-staking, you will receive a receipt token of either $stlTOMB for $TOMB or $stlLIF3 for $LIF3. There is currently over $234k locked in the Greenhouse, and we are just getting started.

Use the image below as a quick reference card. Everything about Lif3 is elegant and simple, & there are so many ways to begin playing the Game of Lif3! Explore all available avenues, & feel free to contact our moderators on Discord and Telegram with any questions or suggestions.

We have put together a simple and easy-to-read graphic showing the many options of the Game of LIF3!

The Fountain of LIF3 is coming soon!

There are so many different ways to play the Game of Lif3!

We're confirming plans of a collateralized stablecoin. The difference with Stablecoin LIF3 will be issuing is focused primarily on benefitting and unlocking value on the Fantom and Tomb ecosystem. What we have to offer will benefit the ecosystem directly as one of our main dApps.

Last week we launched the iOS version of! All mobile users on Android & Apple devices can now trade over 600 pairs on the go!

Download Link:…

Felix is alive and well over on Reddit! Come join the party!

To read this week's Tomb | Lif3 Tuesday in its entirety, please head to our Discord or Telegram (links in bio).

We continue to build to ensure what we do is in our community's best interests. Thank you for joining us.

Happy #TombLif3Tuesday!


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