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Aug 10, 2022, 11 tweets

The Honorable Minister of Information & Culture, Alh. Lai Mohammed and the Honorable Minister of F.C.T, Muhammed Musa Bello inspects The Nigeria Cultural Centre and Millennium Tower (CCNT) Project in Abuja.

The #CCMTProject, envisaged as the symbol of Nigeria Nation and a landmark for the city of Abuja, is a multifunctional edifice with facilities for cultural exposition, tourism, socialization, recreation, hospitality and commercial activities, located right in the heart of Abuja.

It is all enclosed within a prestigious architectural complex, comprising a large steel and glass pyramid shell, which ensure isolation from the outside, creating a real city within a city. #CCMTProject

The scope of the CCMT Project comprises 4 major components which include:

1. Cultural Centre, comprising of 4 Museums, a Hotel with 55 luxury rooms and 9 suites for about 130 persons, Offices, passive and active Recreational facilities…#CCMTProject

…1200 capacity Auditorium, Conference Rooms Exhibitions Halls, Shops, a Sport Centre (with an indoor pool, gyms, fitness and squash courts). #CCMTProject

2. Millennium Tower, a 170 meter tall structure which accommodates a Revolving Panoramic Restaurant for over 130 diners and a Belvedere (Viewing Platform) at 110m height above ground level. #CCMTProject

3. A National Square, consisting of 40,000m2 Platform for hosting National and other symbolic events, that sits on a two-level 1,200 capacity basement car parks and

4. A Connecting Commercial Tunnel with an underground pedestrian arcade lined with Commercial shops. #CCMTProject

The Honorable Minister of Information, Alh. Lai Mohammed and Honorable Minister of F.C.T, Muhammed Musa Bello being conducted round The Nigeria Cultural Centre and Millennium Tower (#CCMTProject) by the Project Manager, Engr. Gennaro D’Itria

The project manager showing the Ministers and Pressmen the uncompleted Cultural Centre Complex of the #CCMTProject comprising of 4 Museums, a Hotel, Offices, Recreational facilities, an Auditorium, Conference Rooms, Exhibitions Halls etc.

“We are here today, to showcase this magnificent project and to commend the vision of our past leaders…This is going to generate a lot of revenue for whoever has the courage to partner with us…#CCMTProject

…My appeal is to the private sector, to philanthropist and lovers of art to please join hands with @NigeriaGov to make this a reality”-HMIC, Alh Lai Mohammed during the inspection of the #CCMTProject

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