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I teach hard-core Machine Learning at YouTube:

Aug 11, 2022, 6 tweets

Most experts think that Natural Language Processing is the key to unlocking general artificial intelligence.

This is the time to learn about NLP, and here is a book that will help you with that:

What makes this book worth reading?

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"Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow" will teach you the following:

1. Core concepts of NLP
2. Transformers
3. Sentence classification
4. Text generation
5. Machine translation
6. Caption generation
7. Data pipelines for NLP

But we can get even more specific:

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If you want to focus on specific algorithms and techniques:

1. Word2Vec
2. Convolutional Neural Networks
3. Recurrent Neural Networks
4. LSTM Networks
5. Sequence to Sequence Learning
6. Transformers

And of course, one of my favorite chapters:

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The book will teach you how to use TensorFlow.

Remember, it's not enough to read books and watch videos. You need to put everything you learn into practice!

That's what TensorFlow is for!

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I put the book next to other books I already own.

Attached you can see what it looks like.

Welcome @thush89 to the book collection of @PacktAuthors!

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This book will be a great resource if you are a novice or intermediate user of TensorFlow or PyTorch.

Both researchers and industry practitioners will find this book helpful.

Here is the link:

#NLP #NaturalLanguageProcessing

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