RAVEN Le MAVEN Profile picture
#LOVE #CosmosFactory #BuyMeABeachHouse #CoffeeV 2016 I Theorized a WWW Network had been created specifically to INFLUENCE WESTERN SOCIETY / Now Validated

Aug 11, 2022, 16 tweets

I'm in the midst of going through the drawers of an account.

I think this Follower meant to say, 'Coach' but I dunno maybe she's like 'The Human Trampoline' Paul Simon sings about....

'The Human Couch'

Beware all those Touchy-Feely-Benign-Looking-and-Designed-to-be-so accounts, my friends.

I've refrained from stating it far too often but many are sucked into a 'Farm' so expect to be 'Fertilized and Harvested'

Right. So many New Age Mommies, Lovers, Artists and Healers living on 'The Farm'

Bad Company, friends

Probably True

Pretty much sums up Putin's Russia and Trump's America

'Native (#TrollFarm) Texan'

Flirty (#TrollFarm) Note Book some of you are in...

#TrollFarm Song Lyrics some of you are listening to. In fact, seems like a few of the same people linked to some of the above #TrollFarm accounts.

I'm shedding accounts today.


Love (#TrollFarm) Messages a few of you receive

Goodbye, Boris The Follower...

Emotional (#TrollFarm) Kisses...

Proven (#TrollFarm) Facts

Goodbye Frank The Follower...

Pro (#TrollFarm) Candy&Friends

Love Cute (#TrollFarm) Pics

Seeya, Spud

Verry (#TrollFarm) Educational

You'll be learned by tomorow...

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