Cllr Oliver Patrick 🔶 🇬🇧 🍏 🕊 Profile picture
Lib Dem Councillor for Coker Division in Somerset. All views my own. RT ≠ endorsement.

Aug 11, 2022, 6 tweets

🚧 #ChinnockHollow update 🚨 I attended a very productive meeting with senior highways officers this afternoon, including the new Lead Member for Transport Cllr @MikeSRigby
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You don’t need me to tell you that sorting out the Hollow is going to be a complex and expensive job. Public safety is absolutely paramount, so this needs to be looked at with all due care and consideration. 2/

I’m pleased to say that we’re very nearly in a position to start making meaningful progress - setting a budget, establishing deadlines and the rest of it.

However, because this project involves a large amount of unplanned expenditure at a time when budgets are extremely tight (not to mention the fact that all of Somerset’s councils will merge in 8 months…) it all has to go through the Council’s elected Executive first.

Once that has happened (we’re aiming for Sept), we can then sign off costs, deadlines, and publicise our intended course of action - including robust, face-to-face public engagement: a commitment that Cllr @MikeHewitson1 and I made during the local election campaign in May.

I know it has been a long and frustrating wait to get to this point, but rest assured we’re moving things on. As locals who travel around these roads, we’re as impatient to get results as you are.

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