🌌 Jeff Satur's Neck worshipper (Nyt) Profile picture
Jeff Satur 🪐 #Satudayss; Wang Yibo; Bible Wichapas 🖤#Bsumbody; ENG aus on 🔗; Minors DNI 🔞✋ ; mature theme/angst

Aug 12, 2022, 20 tweets

A #bibleJeff #JeffBible au where both beauty and brain meet. One regarded as an exemplary student, and the other, a major red flag 🚩

Who would reign for dominance and who will succumb to submission?
#BibleSumett #JeffSatur


- The whole au will be a BIG TW, triggering words, scenarios, issues on family, mental and emotional health, among others.
- red flags 🚩🚩🚩 explicit audios or picts, vids. LEAVE if any of these triggers you.
- be respecful, this is FICTION !!!

The Perfect one

and the flawed soul

"He sucked in a calming breath, and with an exasperated sigh, put on a pretentious smile."


🔞🚩🔞🚩 tw // nsfw audio // 🔞🔞 headphones is advisable or be confident enough, up to you.


~ pause ~ who sent that??? let's find out later, i forgot i have a breakfast date with friends 😭 id be back. much love 💙

Bible POV
US is my spirit animal, spitting facts... milebible, anyone? 😅

Bible the good brother and Bible the people hater

Yeah, who is Jeff, tell Bible he is curious

Mr. Gun watch me castrate you in this au 😕

TW // explicit pictures , words // 🔞🔞🔞

NSFW accounts (which is which, up to your guesses)


Tong's💕 a sweetheart

Oh, Jeff, you break my heart 💔😢

Hello! I'm still writing this but might drop like a bunch so will take time 🥺 also, kinda out of my writing zone. You may check my Moments for finished ones if u r interested, though. 💙 thanks and unr loved

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