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Judge me by the enemies I have made. ~ FDR

Aug 12, 2022, 31 tweets

Trump signed this Executive Order 5 Jan 2021. He clearly didn't write it. I broke out the language & then I'll explain why I think Trump & his friends would benefit from US Gov nuclear secrets.

EO13972 | Promoting Small Modular Reactors for National Defense & Space Exploration

Under this action, the US gov will coordinate its nuclear activities to apply the benefits of nuclear energy most effectively toward American technology supremacy, incl the use of small modular reactors for national defense & space exploration.

Promote advanced reactor technologies, incl small modular reactors

guided by the following principles:

(c) The US should bolster national defense & space exploration capabilities & ➡️ENABLE PRIVATE-SECTOR⬅️ innovation of advanced reactor technologies.

Sec of Defense, within 180 days, establish & implement a plan to demonstrate the energy flexibility capability & cost effectiveness of a Nuclear Regulatory Commission-licensed micro-reactor at a domestic military installation.

"that may not be relevant in PRIVATE SECTOR"

Sec of Defense, consultation w/Sec of State, Commerce, Energy & NASA Admin:

(ii) pilot transportable micro-reactor prototype;

(iv) analysis of US mil uses for space nuclear power & propulsion technologies & an analysis of foreign adversaries' space power & propulsion programs

Affordable, lightweight nuclear power sources in space would enable new opportunities for scientific discovery. The sustainable exploration of the Moon, Mars & other locs will be enhanced if small modular reactors can be deployed & operated remotely from Earth.

Within 180 days of the date of this order, the NASA Administrator shall define requirements for NASA utilization of nuclear energy systems for human & robotic exploration missions thru 2040 & analyze the costs/benefits.

A viable domestic nuclear fuel supply chain supports defense & NATSEC activities & ➡️ENABLES SUCCESS OF THE COMMERCIAL NUCLEAR INDUSTRY.


develop roadmap thru 2030 that coordinates terrestrial-based advanced nuclear reactor & space-based nuclear power & propulsion efforts.


“small modular reactor”: advanced nuclear reactor of electric generation capacity <300 megawatt. B/c of smaller size,➡️SMRs can generally be designed for factory fabrication & modular construction to take advantage of economies of serial production & shorter construction times


Trump was persuaded to lift certain regs & add certain guidance that would steer manufacturing, or let's just say profit, to certain people in order for them to capitalize off of the govs new use of small modular reactors? What if the gov had the info needed to do so?

This is Rod Martin of the original PayPal Mafia
He's a theocratic billionaire in Matt Gaetz' district who loves Trump & goes all the way back to Ginni Thomas' Groundswell Days

Rod thinks that they should colonize the Moon & Mars w/a Biblical Worldview

"We're increasingly looking in the direction of an aerospace play. All those things are possible b/c God has given us freedom."

"I'm most excited about what Elon Musk is doing. In fact we are looking at launching a company in that same general area."

Newt Gingrich featured on Rod Martin's website.

America in Space 2024
23 April 2018

Between Earth & the Moon, there should be multiple low orbit systems supporting commercial manufacturing, tourism & other industries in space.

Read this to get full pic…

A new generation of innovators like Musk & Bezos inventing better ways to lower cost of getting into space thru dramatically simpler & less expensive manufacturing.

No one in gov today is really planning for the scale of change implicit in the rise of reusable rockets.

This is not my area of expertise so I'm adding this here because it's interesting that just this year this merger happened with the only publicly traded provider of transformational small modular reactor technology.

(Attorney for one was Kirkland & Ellis)…

Adding one more thing

Fluor Corporation & NuScale followed thru on its Dept of Energy partnership & deliver US Nuclear Regulatory Commission design approval as well as a broad coalition of strategic investors to expedite the path to commercialization,” said Alan Boeckmann.

Chun v. Fluor Corp | Securities Settlement

Defendants made misrepresentations &/or omissions of material fact in statements to investing public re: bidding, construction, accounting treatment & financial reporting concerning large, fixed-price projects

Plaintiffs and Defendants have reached a proposed Settlement. If approved by the Court, the Settlement will provide a gross amount of Thirty-Three Million dollars ($33,000,000)

Court will hold a Settlement Hearing on Nov 7, 2022…

Here's this too:

Small modular reactors could help Saudi Arabia diversify its energy

The King Abdullah Petroleum Studies & Research Centre published a study “Are Small Modular Reactors a Good Option for Saudi Arabia?” sought to analyze the use of SMRs.…

Saudi Arabia interested in developing small nuclear reactors
March 27, 2022

How funny - an advertisement for Nuscale (see above) is here too.

The Saudi energy ministry is interested in developing small modular nuclear reactors.…

Well this is interesting. Just found this document and it uses a lot of the same language in the Executive Order (above)

Specifically, it looks like this says Vision 2030 - the EO commands a roadmap through 2030.…

Its a 26 Page Document presentation discussing the Saudi National Atomic Energy Project (SNAEP) discussing the establishment of Saudi Nuclear Energy Holding Company, Large Power Plants, Small Modular Reactors, Fuel Cycle & SMART Technology (pre-project engineering phase)

Small Modular Reactor (SMR) for Saudi Arabia Objective:

IP Ownership & Tech Transfer: Identify key issues associated w/intellectual property (IP) ownership, technology transfer & joint development in the Kingdom as well as the potential for export market.

Project Milestone

Localization of SMR technology in KSA is aligned w/ Vision 2030 & will support the Kingdom in achieving its long-term targets & goals.

MR value-chain will increase public & private investment & FDI opportunities & help developing potential local capabilities

If you're interested in this topic, here's a good read

Small modular reactors: A comprehensive overview of their economics and strategic aspects

Paper provides govs & stakeholders w/key economic & social boundaries for the viable deployment of SMRs.…

This was literally JUST published.

9 August 2022
Nuclear design of an integrated small modular reactor based on the APR-1400 for RO desalination purposes…

SMR units are not expected before early part of the next decade as co. goes thru regulatory processes in the UK, builds factories, certifies designs & moves to production process, said Mr Samson, previously COO of Emirates Nuclear Energy Corp in the UAE.…

Okay I'm going to wrap this thread with this.

🚨 Jared Kushner was in Saudi Arabia the same day that this Executive Order was signed by Donald Trump.

Jared Kushner was flying back to the nation's capital from Saudi Arabia when the January 6th riot began.…

@Lynette30067504 @FuchsiaGr0an Longstanding concerns about enabling Saudis to conduct fuel-making activities that could lead to the country developing nuclear weapons, fueling a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has balked at allowing restrictions on uranium enrichment & plutonium reprocessing


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