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Hi!! You can call me Elle or Luna🤍

Aug 12, 2022, 43 tweets

She Didn’t Tell Me
— a #ryeji au

Traumas, familial issues, and controlled futures. Two strangers meet when stuff starts to become terrible. Twice, Destiny put them through a difficult journey. When the mysteries of the past began to unravel, everything changed.

SDTM [00]

SDTM [00]


Main Characters

Note: Eula in Greek is Eulalia, explains why her un is lalia.

Note: Zielle means heavenly and “Yiel” is from Z’yiel’le, explains her dn and un.


SDTM [01] | Past

SDTM [02]

SDTM [03] Dawn, 1:27 AM

SDTM [04]

SDTM [05]

SDTM [06]

Euls’ Bestfriends [ctto of the pic]

SDTM [07] ✨

Note: Macy is from MAureen CYah

SDTM [08] ✨

Note: Zyair means River, explains his un and Clyai does not like when people call him rivers especially in jokingly way😭

SDTM [09] ✨

SDTM [10] ✨

SDTM [11] The next day, 11:17 AM

SDTM [12]

SDTM [13]

SDTM [14]

SDTM [15]

SDTM [16] While they are on the way to go home

SDTM [17]

SDTM [18]

SDTM [19]

SDTM [20] ✨

SDTM [21] ✨ | aka the favorite sibling of Eula

SDTM [22] Evening, 8:03 PM

SDTM [23]

SDTM [24]

SDTM [25] ✨

SDTM [26] Few hours later, 10:07 PM

Note: I’m not sure if this number actually works but please don’t try calling it. Just incase the contact no. is a working one, thank you!🤍

SDTM [27]

SDTM [28]

Forgot to reply the ud to this thread, just access this thread to continue. Thank you!🤍

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