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Aug 12, 2022, 8 tweets

something a little different for Friday:

after launching a couple shiny new #ebooks last week, we unwound with a pizza party and finally dove into a little #tarot adventure over on 🧵

we may have co-opted the original intent of the game/journal a bit, but we wanted to explore the prompts together

decided to unravel a back-and-forth story between our two decks 2/🧵

decks: split. suits: shuffled. nonfik app: logged on.

*deep breath*


acts I and II felt like a rocky start, but foundations are made of concrete, after all 🤷‍♀️as things settle, you're left with a smooth, strong surface to build on...


(and just FYI, cat #tarot deck with alternate suits = playing on hard mode)


nonfik might be a platform for professional development, but at its heart, the app is a place to share thoughts and work together

want to collaborate on a narrative #TarotReading?

boom. now it's a platform for co-writing dark, dreamy tarot-fueled #microfiction

huge thanks to @GoblinMixtape/@BlinkingBirch for creating & sharing Anamnesis with us 🧡

you can check out the game for yourself and start your own playthrough here:…


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