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Bret Lynn: "So we'll give the FBI a shot" "So I sat down and put all the...into a document and I'm like 'here you go FBI'"

Aug 12, 2022, 34 tweets

1. I'm happier than a cottonmouth under a log to introduce you to Marshall Clayton Rawson and his wife Megan Elise Rawson of North Florida. The attended the deadly 2017 UniteTheRight rally in Charlottesville, VA with League of the South.

2. Marshall has been with the League of the South hate group for closing in on a decade. His faithful wife has been beside him nearly the whole time. Let's meet them.

3. We've been sitting on this one for a spell, so make yourself a mint julep and rest your bones under a shady magnolia while we lay this one out for you.

4. Aside from Unite The Right Marshall and Megan Rawson have been at many League of the South events over the last 8 years together. They take time away from raising a family for the snationalist hate group.

5. Marshall Clayton Rawson was a speaker at the Florida League of the South Conference last year.

6. His speech isn't in the League of the South videos from that day, so either his speech sucked or he didn't want the additional visibility.

7. Marshall is the Chairman of the Greater Melrose Republican Liberty Caucus. Isn't that right @mskmlady?

8. He's also past or presently been a bodybuilder. I had to see it, so you have to see it.

9. Marshall first came to the attention of antifascist researcher way back when he got booted out of Shorter University over a gun.


10. Since then he's been extremely busy at League of the South events in Florida, Georgia, and other locations in the south. The collection of bigots he takes photos with is a veritable who's who of League of the South members.

11. Here he as looking like Tucker Carlson Jr posing with Tom Woods and some League propaganda.

12. The blog post here has some real gems from Marshall. Do yourself a favor and check them out.

13. I'm going to go over some of my favorites from his social media. This one aged just perfect.

14. He posts a lot of the League talking points and thinly veiled bigotry on his Facebook, but his Twitter is much more interesting. He has two acconts under his name.

15. His main Twitter account is similar to his Facebook, but with a little harder edge.

16. But he has a 3rd Twitter account that isn't under his name. Meet "Rock of Dixie" aka Marshall Clayton Rawson.

17. He only follows 11 accounts and is folowed by two.

18. His likes show that harder edge you expect to see from a decade long League of the South member.

19. He sees eye to eye with Richard Spencer.

20. He's no fan of National Socialism, BUT...

21. "Multiculturalism kills and public lynchings worked". With the anonymous account the mask is tossed aside.

22. The whole region isn't racist, but you and your League of the South friends are.

23. "blood and soil" reference, which is literally straight from the Nazis.

24. He thinks Black women are more interested in welfare checks than being a Christian. I can't believe their voting doesn't allign with Mr pro-lynching.

25. Marshall Clayton Rawson is a #Liftwaffe guy.

26. It wasn't hard to figure out that the "Rock of Dixie" lmfao was Marshall. The photo is him.

27. The Rock of Dixie has only one mutual follower/following in "The Dixie Belle".

28. So, who is The Dixie Belle?

29. That's right, it's Megan Elise Rawson. She was on James Edward's show on Valentines Day. Awww.

30. She has a lot of tradwife opinions and interacts with open white supremacists like Lana from Red Ice.

31. She's no different from her husband, which is why she goes to League of the South events, including Unite The Right.

32. Marshall Clayton Rawson got his law degree from Jacksonville University and like his friend Chris Monzon is trying to worm his way into Republican Party politics.

33. On this 5th anniversary of Unite the Right we add to #IgniteTheRight in partnership with @UnmaskUTR and many other antifascist researchers.

We don't forget.

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