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Architetto, armi, destra, capitalista fino in fondo e senza pazienza per curiosi e comunisti. 🚫 DM 🚫 Listas

Aug 13, 2022, 10 tweets

13.08.22 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil #MarchaParaJesus .. The March for Jesus is an international and interdenominational event (that is, held jointly by several evangelical denominations) that takes place annually in thousands of cities around the world.

In Brazil, it brings together believers of various denominations, the event brings churches to the streets. Between 1994 and 2000 it was held as a global event, taking place in around 170 countries on the same date.

It is a movement that glorifies Jesus Christ, the Christian faith and the family.

President Bolsonaro in his term, has been invited and received by Brazilian Christians from all over the country for being a fervent Christian, defender of the homeland, freedom, family and respect for religions.

13.08.22 #MarchaParaJesus Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil

13.08.22 #MarchaParaJesus Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil

13.08.22 #MarchaParaJesus Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil

13.08.22 #MarchaParaJesus Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil

Pr Bolsonaro says "Everyone can believe that we have in Brasilia a president who believes in God, who respects his military and his police, a president who defends the Brazilian family and who owes loyalty to his people.

I ask for God, that this wonderful people does not experience communism".

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