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Aug 13, 2022, 12 tweets

#MuslimsAgainstThePartition a thread

Allah Bux Somroo of Sindh was a mass leader who organized Azad Muslim Conference to oppose Jinnah's demand of Pakistan. It was a coalition of several Muslim political outfits representing a majority of Indian Muslims. He was killed in 1943.

Mirza Ali Khan, Popular as Faqir of Ipi, raised an army of 10k pathans in Waziristan during WWII, allied with Netaji Subhas & Axis powers & in 1948 asked Nehru to provide arms to his militia so that Kashmir could be freed from Pakistani invaders

Inayatullah Khan, Allama Mashriqi, raised a strong army called Khaksars during WWII to fight the British. Khaksars tried to kill Jinnah on multiple occasions for his demand for the Partition of India

Sibghatullah, Pir of Pagaro, of Sindh raised an army during WWII, allied with Netaji Subhas, opposed demand of Jinnah to partition India & used his army to safeguard Hindus from Jinnah inspired fanatics

K. A Hamied, founder of CIPLA, was a revolutionary close to Ghadar Party and Netaji Subhas. He defeated League candidate in Jinnah's home constituency & urged Gandhi & Patel to declare a civil war on Muslim League if they try to partition India

Maulana Husain Ahmad Madni was Islamic scholar who served jail terms for serving the country & campaigned vigorously against Jinnah's demand for Pakistan. He wrote books, gave speeches & mobilized people

Maghfoor Ajazi was a freedom fighter from Bihar who formed an All India Jamhur Muslim League to counter the Pakistan Movement of Muslim League. His campaign was quite a success

Abdul Qayyum Ansari was a political leader of All India Momin Conference & played an active role in Azad Muslim Conference convened by Allah Bux Somroo to counter the Jinnah's propaganda of two nation theory


Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, a mass leader from NWFP, actually defeated Muslim League in 1946 as well still his province was given to Pakistan. He never accepted Partition & blamed Congress for the tragedy

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad joined revolutionary movement of Sri Aurobindo, formed revolutionary party, became Congress president & never accepted the Partition. He told people that religions don't define national boundaries

K. A Hamied, founder of CIPLA, believed that Jinnah rose to prominence because Nehru & Gandhi met him several times as a representative of Indian Muslims, which he was not.
@adilhossain @SaminaHamied @anujdhar @irfhabib @ichr_1972 @iamrana @ZSiddiki

Malik Khizar Hayat Tiwana as PM of Punjab banned RSS & Muslim League Guards for inciting communal violence in January, 1947. In retaliation Muslim League rioted at several places. Khizar remained anti partition.

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