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Oleksii Kushnir from @pidkast @IZONEMediaUA

Aug 14, 2022, 10 tweets

Why don't even "progressive" Russians deserve visas to the free world? The answer is simple. One example.

Take a close look at this post. It was written by Araik Vietinghoff (1/10)

He was born in Armenia in 1980 and moved to St. Petersburg, where he lived and got education. He became a musician and composer. He has been listening to and absorbing music from all over the world during his life (2/10)

Araik has performed not only with musicians from Russia or countries from neighbourhood. He was on stage with Americans and Europeans. In other words it’s an educated, talented, progressive person who is open-minded to the world (3/10)

Araik condemned the Russian invasion in Ukraine and actively reposts anti-war posts on his Facebook page. However. (4/10)

When we start a discussion about the responsibility of all Russians for the crimes of their country, Araik is open up completely (5/10)

He was so touched by the words of the prime minister of Estonia, a country where he used to give concerts, that good old imperial ambitions awoke in him. He says that the country should remember who is strong in this world and who can be occupied (6/10)

Did an education get in the way of publishing this post? Did supposedly liberal views? Did trips abroad, openness to the world get in the way? The multicultural environment in which Araik used to work? Maybe he just doesn't know the whole truth about the war? No (7/10)

When the question of everyday comfort arises, every Russian begins to behave aggressively. Because they can close their eyes in the hotel rooms. They can immerse themselves in the benefits of civilisation and never think about responsibility for the crimes of their country (8/10)

And they threaten you. Because Russia is a great and strong country who can destroy you in days, you know (9/10)

It is necessary to close the world for them, because it is their responsibility to deal with their country. They have to see it and live with it, this cross belongs to them and no one else (10/10)

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